Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I be removed from my position as NCOIC without a relief for cause evaluation report?

I busted tape by 1%. I was enrolled in ABCP and removed as NCOIC of my shop, but I have not received my initial counseling (should have gotten it more than 2 months ago). What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Can my Leadership become involved in my private or personal life?

Recently my leadership starting getting involved in my personal life and I think it is inappropriate. Can they do this?.. Read the Answer»

Should I appeal a Relief for Cause evaluation report?

I received a Relief for Cause Evaluation report. A year later I have an Outstanding Evaluation report but am being looked at for QMP. What are my options? Can I appel?.. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Are tan of backpacks are authorized for wear while in uniform?

What type of backpacks are authorized for wear with the Army Utility Uniform or ACU, BDU, DCU, Multi Cam, etc?.. Read the Answer»

Can my Commander refuse to support or allow me to transport my child to my exspouse for court ordered visitation?

CSM, I am curious about taking leave to satisfy a court visitation schedule. I have already read AR 608-99 and all it says is that the commander has a responsibility to make sure court orders are enforced. What I am asking is, can the Commander deny my leave to satisfy this requirement and make me find another way to accomplish it? I have to take my child from my location to another location across the country for the summer, he is autistic and cannot be put on a plane or bus unattended. Thank You for your help in this matter... Read the Answer»

What can I do when a duty is changed but I am not notified?

I work shift work. Our shift includes civilians and military members. The civilian have a consistent schedule while the military members have a varying shift schedule. The roster is not run off a DA FORM 6. Our leadership will post the shift roster on our share point drive but this is only accessible with a CAC card. The leadership has a bad habit of changing our schedule without notifying anyone. If there is a verbal notification many times it is not passed down to the military member. So this results in Soldiers making plans and being told at the last minute or after the fact that their shift changed. What can I do about this?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Can my Leader ignore my profile or declare it invalid?

I have been on and off of profile for the last two years because of an injury to my groin area. When I was on profile (3 months or less) I was asked to partake in the APFT despite being injured. We are now deployed downrange and my injury is acting up again. Knowing that I was off from profile my chain of command told me to get a profile. The only hospital we have is run by Air Force personnel, the PA wrote me a 6 month profile and prescribed me medications. My 1SG says that the profile does NOT count because it's written by an AF Physicians Assistant. .. Read the Answer»

If a Trainee refuses to train how long does it take for them to be out processed from the Army?

Our son is in basic training in the army. He has refused to train, He signed his recommendation for a company grade article 15 and was going to find out his punishment this past week 19 but his commander said the paper work was incomplete. How long with they keep him? .. Read the Answer»

Can my Commander ban every Soldier or remove Alcohol privielges for every Soldier in the unit?

Does a commander have the authority to ban all Soldiers in his unit from buying/consuming alcohol outside of duty hours? I've looked through AR 600-85 and a couple others but can't find anything specific... Read the Answer»

Do I need to report an off post fender bender that did not invlove a government vehicle?

Do you have to report and off post fender bender if you were not on duty?.. Read the Answer»

Can I counsel a Soldier that is not in my Chain of Command or NCO Support Channel?

Can someone outside a Soldiers chain of command issue a professional development counseling? The FM 6-22 and the counseling form use the term "leader" as the one giving the counseling. What is the definition of leader per Army Doctrine with regard to counseling...really need this information as this situation is turning into something it should not... Read the Answer»

If I am separated from the military early do I have to repay what is left on my scholarship?

I had a four year scholarship in college. I am now in the process of being involuntarily separated and I have asked my CDR several times what will happen with the time I owed to the military in return for my scholarship and I never get a clear answer. I also went to legal with the same question and was routed to the education center who was in turn no help again. So in short how will my remainder of time owed play out in this process... Read the Answer»