Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I drink when off duty in Uniform?

Is there a black and white answer for having a drink or two in uniform? I've looked into AR 670-1 and found a little info. My intent is to never drink at a bar, but have them with a meal at a restaurant. From my interpretation this should be okay. .. Read the Answer»

How to Submit a Complaint Against Your Commander Under the Article 138 Process

Purpose The purpose of this Article is to walk you through the Article 138 process.  This will help you understand if the Article 138 process is appropriate for your situation and explain how to construction your complaint. Reference: Army Regulation:  …Read More

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Can my Chain of Command make me buy Identification Tags?

Top, I really need some guidance and mentorship. Here is the deal. We are deployed and we all have one set of our ID TAGS. No our command is making us go buy another set of ID TAGs. We have to order them from an online service. I think the unit should supply these. Is it legal to make us buy them?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

How long should I expect to wait before being recommended for promotion in a new unit?

I am an E-4 in the Army Reserves and I am currently switching units and changing my mos. I will be in an E-5 slot. How easy would it be to get promoted to E-5 after getting transferred?.. Read the Answer»

I am about to become a Detachment Sergeant and/or a First Sergeant, Can you recommend some resources that will help prepare me for this position?

You might want to consider the following references.  Disclaimer: I did write the following books but they were written to help leaders become better Leaders at the squad, platoon, and company level.  Consider looking at the following title:  The Mentor, …Read More

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What regulation governs special population or remedial PT?

Is there a regulation that governs the frequency of special population/remedial PT? I can't find it anywhere... Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Will being flagged prevent me from going to a military school?

So I was involved in a fight I have an ATTRS slot to go airborne school. Does being flagged remove me from attending school?.. Read the Answer»

I feel like my leadership is targeting me…What can I do to get out of this unit and make this torment stop?

I am having serious problems with the unit i am attached to. I am attached to a Military Police unit and i am an MP. I feel as though i am targeted and treated like i don't belong. I know for a fact if i file a complaint and an investigation happens things will get worse. I just want to transfer out ofhere or switch to reserve. Is there anyway this can be done immediately? Please and thank you in advance... Read the Answer»

Who is authorized to see my Profile?

Any leader has the right to look at your profile to ensure they are not giving you an order in violation of that profile.  Profiles are governed under AR 40-501.  You should carry your profile on you at all times. …Read More

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Can my commander deny me the ability to workout in the gym during PT?

Can my command order me to not go to the gym when my profile allows me to lift at my own pace.. Read the Answer»

What should I do with a Soldier who is out of ranks because of Behavorial Health related issues?

I have a Soldier whom I know pretty much everything about while maintaining a healthy professional relationship. He has consistently been counseled for failure to report because he is sleeping through alarms. It is the only thing wrong with his behavior. I recently recommended him for UCMJ, he received a summarized 7/7 with no reduction. He is a stellar Soldier other than this issue. He won the Soldier of the month two months in a row and aced the promotion board. He recently told me he enrolled in behavioral health. This month he has been out of ranks 4 times. I counseled him with no recommendations, but the 1SG is pursuing a field grade and possibly separation. After I explained that to my Soldier he broke down, he explained why he has been at BH and showed me supporting paperwork. He was diagnosed with PTSD and night terrors, and can't sleep like the rest of us and is so exhausted by the time his alarms go off he just doesn't hear them. I have witnessed this first hand while we were down range. I explained it to TOP but he didn't budge. What should happen? I believe we should keep this Soldier. My question is, can they pursue UCMJ for something linked directly to his PTSD if he is actively enrolled and receiving treatments through behavioral health services? Also I feel like TOP kinda has it out for him, convincing him to recommend a summarized the first time took me a week of non stop battering and him accusing me of using rank to help a friend. It has even escalated ever since he made the by-name list. We had a promotion ceremony for my soldier as well as three juniors. As soon as the 3 soldiers were pinned he went inside. I'm sorry but I have never in 4 years seen a First Sergeant in the United States Army walk away from someone being brought into the Corps. It really got to me as an NCO. Sorry for being long winded, just need a little advice. .. Read the Answer»

I am an E-5 being paid as an E-6 but I cannot get DFAS to stop paying me at the E-6 rate- What can I do?

Top I really need some help here. On ______ 2011 I was flagged for being overweight (1% over). However, I was already on the by-name promotion list for E-6 and DFAS started paying me at the E-6 rate. I was counseled on the date I should have been promoted and flagged. I immediately reported to my chain of command that I was being paid as an E-6. S-1 and Finance have been trying to solve this for two years but no one knows how to fix this and I really needs some help. Help! HELP! .. Read the Answer»