Tag Flags | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Flags

Can a commander revoke an award because they forgot to flag me 6 months ago?

Will being flagged prevent me from going to a military school?

So I was involved in a fight I have an ATTRS slot to go airborne school. Does being flagged remove me from attending school?.. Read the Answer»

Notes in AR 600-8-2 Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAGS)

This notes in AR 600-8-2 Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAGS). This regulation is modified by Army Directive 2012-07, Administrative Processing for Separation of Soldiers for Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse Army Directive 2012-20, Physical Fitness and Height and Weight …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
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Do I lose my promotable status when I am flagged?

I failed a for-record PT test in June and I was flagged. The also took my "P" away at that time. My 4856 says "...this means you are not fully eligible for favorable actions like awards, promotions, and attendance to any schools (WLC). However, this is not permanent and this flag will be lifted if you remain dedicated and determined to improve your overall level of fitness." I have searched through AR350-1, AR600-8-19, and AR600-8-2. Nothing in those regs say that I will have my promotable status revoked for APFT failure. Once i found this flaw I noticed that I would have made cutoff for AUG, but I was flagged. All I had to do was remove the flag and my date of rank would be the day that I had the flag removed. My CoC are saying that they will not enstate promotable status my even though they took it away illeaglly. What should i do?.. Read the Answer»

Can overweight Soldiers receive awards?

Can a Soldier receive an award if he is flagged for overweight?.. Read the Answer»

Can they stop my leave because I am pending UCMJ?

I am being recommended for a company grade Article 15 because I missed an appointment. I missed that appointment because i was escorting a Soldier. I feel this is a severe punishment. The last time I was counseled was May 2010. I have not been counseled monthly or annually. They also informed me that my packet was lost and I needed to resign the counseling form. They cannot backdate a counseling, am I correct? It of course is block leave for Christmas and I was told today that my leave had been pulled because I am flagged pending UCMJ action. Are they allowed to do that?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Will I have to be reboarded once I successfully meet height and weight standards?

I am currently on the overweight program. Will my promotable status be reinstated once I make weight or will I have to go back to the promotion board?.. Read the Answer»

Will an adverse action flag prevent a SSG from being considered for the SFC promotion board?

I am currently flagged for adverse action. Do I still meet the criteria to compete during the SFC selection board or am I disqualified? Will the board members be able to see my records?.. Read the Answer»

Personnel Action (FLAGS) Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains information Personnel Action (FLAGS). Topics covered include: What is a FLAG, reasons for a FLAG, categories of a FLAG, on-transferable FLAGS, transferable FLAGS, and prohibited actions. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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AR 840-10 Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates

This regulation prescribes the design, acquisition, display, disposition, and use of flags, guidons, streamers, automobile and aircraft plates, and tabards by Department of the Army organizations and personnel. It is the authority for these items and their basis of issue. …Read More

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AR 600-8-2 Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flag)

This regulation prescribes Army policy for the suspension of favorable personnel actions function of the military personnel system. It is linked to AR 600-8 and provides principles of support, standards of service, and policies regarding the initiation, transfer, removal, and …Read More

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Can a Soldier be flagged while deployed?

Can I flag a soldier for failing a pt test or height and weight while deployed?.. Read the Answer»