Tag Corrective Training | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Corrective Training

Here is a list of everything we have published about Corrective Training

Can I be forced to do an hour of intense exercise for corrective training and then receive a counseling for the same issue?

Can a unit commander conduct multiple formations a day because 1 Soldier failed to follow instructions?

Corrective Training Update 2021

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Can I receive a Counseling Statement with Corrective Training and Still get an Article 15?

I received counseling statements, one says recommend Article 15 in the plan of action (first counseling) the 2nd counseling shows what to do to correct it in the plan of action. Can I still receive the ART15 if I am already being punished and it is not in the current plan of action?.. Read the Answer»

Revoking Privileges and Corrective Training

The following article is an extract from the book:  The Mentor -Everything you need to know about leadership and counseling by CSM retired Mark Gerecht Some times you can make corrective training more effective by recommending revocation of privileges. The …Read More

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Can a Soldier be given punishment for an offense before receiving an Article 15?

What about a punishment that is “non-corrective” and UCMJ? Example- a soldier gets a DUI and is punished by being told to stay after duty hours and clean the COF and then at a later date he gets extra duty from an Article 15? Is that right? .. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

I got caught smoking in the barracks…what can happen to me?

My son got caught smoking in his barracks room and lied to the NCO. What can happen to him? He want to stay in the Army... Read the Answer»

Was I Wrong to Direct a Soldier to Complete Corrective Because they Failed to Wash and Dry Their Hands?

I received a negative counseling for having a Soldier write an essay on the importance of proper hand washing and drying because I observed him leaving the restroom and he did not wash his hands. Now my 1SG has me sitting in the orderly room as corrective training for giving a Soldier corrective training. The Soldier was not my direct report. Was I wrong?.. Read the Answer»

Corrective Training Physical Fitness Exercise and Smoke Sessions Class 2 of 2

Frequently Corrective Training involving physical training and or exercise is improperly conducted and can be harmful to the Soldier and also end a leaders career over charges of abuse, bullying, and hazing.  Army doctrine makes it clear there are specific …Read More

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Corrective Training Class 1 of 2

    Recently we released 3 articles on corrective training.  We thought it would be a good idea to follow up the articles with a couple of classes on corrective training. This class is titled:  Using Corrective Training to Motivate …Read More

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Corrective Training Article 4- References for Corrective Training

AR 600-20 Army Command Policy 4–6. Exercising military authority a.  Military authority is exercised promptly, firmly, courteously and fairly. Commanders should consider administrative corrective measures before deciding to impose non-judicial punishment. Trial by court-martial is ordinarily inappropriate for minor offenses …Read More

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Corrective Training Article 3- Physical Training Used as Corrective Training

AR 600-20 and FM 7-22 spell out the specifics of using physical fitness as a means of corrective training. AR 600-20 paragraph 4-20, states the following with regard to using physical fitness training as corrective training: When authorized by the …Read More

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