We’ve all heard it before: staying fit is simple math. The equation in question is calories in versus calories out. As military professionals, staying in shape is not a cosmetic choice. It is a career decision and all too often, …Read More
Here is a list of every post written by Mark
We’ve all heard it before: staying fit is simple math. The equation in question is calories in versus calories out. As military professionals, staying in shape is not a cosmetic choice. It is a career decision and all too often, …Read More
I recently received a Soldier in my squad. His counseling packet was missing several monthly counseling statements. What should I do about this?.. Read the Answer»
Short Answer Yes you can but it does not make sense Discussion ATP 6-22.1 para 2-30. states: Counseling tied to a specific event should happen as closely to the event occurrence as possible. For performance or professional development counseling, subordinates …Read More
I was recently appointed as a squad leader and my initial counseling was given to me in the form of a memorandum for record. The counseling was neither positive or negative, just a plain statement of duties and expectations. I can't seem to find a regulation or a precedence, is there a reason why a PSG would do that and is this a common practice? .. Read the Answer»
Once a soldier is counseled who can view or receive the counseling form? Can the counseling statement be released to the chain of command for example the Brigade S-1?.. Read the Answer»
I got my second counseling statement today because of the color of my nail polish. What happens when you get two?.. Read the Answer»
Top, I was on some medication and was given a counseling statement for something. I did not feel comfortable signing the counseling statement. Can they make me sign a counseling statement when I am on medication?.. Read the Answer»
I belong to a special unit and about a month ago I asked a senior leader help me redeploy to a location I have been to before. Now I am experiencing some family issues. The senior leader went off, I even asked if I could deploy to another location to allow me time to fix the family issues. I was told my career was over and I would never have a leadership position again and that I would receive a relief for cause report. Can they do that?.. Read the Answer»
Im not in the military but I'm in the dutch scc ( sea cadet corps ) and I'm having trouble with being in charge. hope you can help with some good advise. I've been told that I will be promoted to the rank of petty officer 3d class in October as I will turn 18 by then. Only problem is that im afraid of failing and that I shut down if they push me to hard to just execute it like they would do. It has improved because I went to an army college at nco level so I got over a big part of my fear there wen I left after getting shin splints. However now that they want me to take charge I get cold feet. I have been with the guys in my unit for the last 3 years and I'm not sure if I will be able to lead them correctly as they all know that I have issues with being in charge of a rowing boat among other things. Could you please give me some advise how I should deal with it cause my unit 2ic won't let me refuse the promotion ( he was my military instructor at army college) and he knows I am able to lead and I know that I am capable of it when i put aside the doubts but I'm really insecure about it. If you could give me advise like you would with a newly promoted nco I would really appreciate it Thank you sgt-mjr.. Read the Answer»
Where does it state a Soldier cannot eat and walk while in uniform? Saw a Soldier just get ripped to no end for doing this... Read the Answer»
Can my Leader require me to turn in a paperwork about how much my wife and I spend? They want to know absolutely everything, including how much we use for groceries, entertainment, and how much we put into savings and how much is in our checking and savings... Read the Answer»