Tag Counseling | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Counseling

I am in the Guard and have received several adverse counseling statements. I plan to go on Active Duty soon. Will these counseling session be part of my official record?

Who is responsible for counseling the First Sergeant?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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Does failure to counsel in a timely manner make a flag action invalid?

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Who is responsible for Counseling the First Sergeant

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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Can I be forced to counsel a Soldier?

Can a Master Sergeant be Counseled by the unit First Sergeant?

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can I receive a Counseling Statement with Corrective Training and Still get an Article 15?

I received counseling statements, one says recommend Article 15 in the plan of action (first counseling) the 2nd counseling shows what to do to correct it in the plan of action. Can I still receive the ART15 if I am already being punished and it is not in the current plan of action?.. Read the Answer»

Solider does not have a driver’s license and is late to work

The response is provided based on the information you shared. It is not legal advice nor should this information be used to make a decision. It is highly recommended you speak with your chain of command, IG, and/or JAG before …Read More

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What regulation prevents the use of foul language in the work place.

Foul language or (Indecent Language) can be charged under the Military Manual for Courts Martial. 104 Article 134, page IV148. It states in part. c. Explanation. Indecent language is that which is grossly offensive to modesty, decency, or propriety, or …Read More

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Can I be counseled in Jan (verbally) and then receive a counseling in March that is backdated to Jan?

Can you receive a counseling for over weight that's been giving in January but have to still sign it March and the date be changed back to the 29th of january? .. Read the Answer»

Army verbal counseling

Verbal Counseling Guidelines Normally when we think of counseling we think in terms of a written counseling form.  Believe it or not you counsel Soldiers every day.  A formal verbal counseling could be as simple as calling a Soldier in …Read More

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Can a Soldier be Counseled for Failing to Cancel an Appointment for the Next Day if the Chain of Command Kept them on Mission Unable to Cancel the Appointment?

Can a soldier be counseled for not canceling an appointment for the following day? One of my soldiers had surgery on her knee and is in physical therapy to bring it back to strength. Our chain of command asked her to cancel her appointment for the following day so she can go to the gas chamber, she was on mission all day from one place to the next and did t have time to call. Can she be counseled for not canceling??.. Read the Answer»