Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I be prevented from leaving the post? Isn’t this the same as restriction?

I am pending adverse action (currently stationed in Korea). i was arrested for breaking curfew.Long story short I am now restricted from leaving post, I have been pending extra duty etc for over a month and I seem to be getting all the company dirt bag details. It feels like I am serving my extra duty before I get an Article 15. Are they allowed to do this? Also, can my restriction from post run concurrent with my extra duty ?.. Read the Answer»

Are there any negative repurcussions in being involuntarily separated for not having a valid family care plan?

Are there any negative repercussions to being involuntarily separated for a not being able to establish a Valid Family Care Plan? I was also told that because I am an NCO that my care plan would be looked at differently, can they do that? I was also told I have to appear before an administrative separation/reduction board and possibly lose rank and get less than an honorable discharge for not having a Family Care Plan... Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier go on leave when on extra duty?

Have a Soldier who received a field grade article 15 and was allowed to go on leave. Here is the problem: the Battalion Commander does not know the Soldier had an approved leave (by the company commander). The Battalion Commander imposed punishment to start immediately. The Soldier has already purchased a plane ticket. The Company CDR/1SG told the Soldier he could take leave. What will happen to this Soldier? Will his extra duty start after he returns from leave or will it be overlooked like no days were missed? Is it the Soldier's responsibility to inform the battalion commander of his leave situation. Should I bring this to someone's attention or should I do the wrong thing and let it go and see what happens?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Can a Leader order me to buy the New PT uniform when the current one is still authorized for wear?

Can my chain of command order me to buy the new PT uniform if my old one is still authorized for wear?.. Read the Answer»

Can I receive a counseling statement because I refused to buy the new version of a uniform when my current uniform is still authorized for wear?

Can I be counseled for not buying the new version of a uniform... Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier who is barred receive an award?

Can I get an Award if I am Barred from Reenlistment?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
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How do I account for my rated time if I do not get an evaluation report?

I made E-5 on May 1st. Then went to schools for a total of 3 weeks during the month of May. I PCS in mid July. Since I was not rated for a minimum of 90 days, Should I get a memo stating that I was not rated or will my new unit do an extended annual NCOER? What should I do? (I'm ARMY, ACTIVE).. Read the Answer»

How can I get my assignment orders changed?

I contacted my assignment manager twice via email requesting a my choices of a new duty station but they have not replied. I checked the system today and found out I am on order for FT Bragg which was neither of my choices. Is there anyway this can be fixed?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be charged with Larceny under UCMJ if they were cleared by the Military Polices?

Two of my Soldiers are pending UCMJ for being accomplices to larceny. The Soldier who committed the larceny admitted to doing so. The two "accomplices" deny participating in larceny and simply left with the individual being charged. They were cleared of any wrongdoing by the military police, however the commander is insisting on the article. Does this sound like a valid case? The item in question for the Larceny was a Beer Mug.. Read the Answer»

Can my Chain of Command force me to stay on base during the week if I live in the barracks?

I am stationed overseas in Europe. I maintain a room in the barracks. Recently my chain of command stated I must stay in my room in the barracks. They stated I am not authorized to stay with my fiance off post. They have stated I can stay with her on weekends but not on weeknights. Can they make me stay in the barracks?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be counseled twice for the same incident?

Can I be counseled by two separate individuals in myr chain of command for the SAME incident? .. Read the Answer»

What can I expect if I self refer for Substance Abuse?

What can I expect if I self ID for Substance Abuse. I want to end my Substance Abuse but I dont want to be discharged. Any advice?.. Read the Answer»