Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can my Chain of Command or Commander order me or force me to buy a watch for PT?

Can a commander force Soldiers to buy a watch and wear it to PT? If we do not do it the threat is we will be counseled? .. Read the Answer»

Is emotional cheating covered under UCMJ?

A spouse is alleging emotional adultery or cheating. Is that even possible under the UCMJ?.. Read the Answer»

If I get two Article 15’s can I request to get out of the service?

I received an Article 15 a few months ago. Unfortunately it looks like I will be getting another one? Can I request to get out of the service if I get another one?.. Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Can I recieve a Letter of Reprimand if I was counseled and successfully completed the plan of action?

I played a prank on a fellow NCO months ago. I didn't lie or attempt to hide it. The next day I received an event oriented counseling, with a plan of action that I would apologize and not interact with that Soldier in a negative manner again. A month later the Soldier submitted an informal complaint against me. The 15-6 findings were that I was guilty of the offense. I was recommended for a GOMOR, the General refused to give me a GOMOR. Now my unit is attempting to give me a letter of reprimand. Can they do that after I was already counseled, and completed the plan of action?.. Read the Answer»

If I don’t have a car, who is responsible to make sure I have a ride to my place of duty?

Can my chain of command make it my responsibility to get to my place of duty?.. Read the Answer»

I am getting an Article 15 for supposedly lying about pulling my guard duty shift but I pulled the shift- What can I do?

My leadership is giving me an Article 15 (summarized) for lying to an NCO, which they have absolutely no proof I lied. They are saying I lied about pulling my guard shift while in the field. While everyone else was asleep I was doing my guard shift. I wake up and I'm getting yelled at for not doing my shift. When was asked I told my E6 squad leader I did my shift, he called me a liar and has proceeded to push the Article 15 since. How should I handle this situation?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Is a copy of the blotter or military police report released to the public?

if you live on a military base and the Military Police come to your house and write a report up, is that report released to the public.. Read the Answer»

Where can I find information on Discharges and how they impact the individual receiving the discharge?

I am doing a paper on discharges and separations. Where can I find information about benefits and impacts of each type of discharge?.. Read the Answer»

Does my NCO have to go to finance with me?

Does a NCO have to accompany a Soldier to the finance office to discuss a financial situation?.. Read the Answer»

When I received an Article 15 with a suspended reduction and I was later reduced in grade- Do I have to repay the money

I recently received an Article 15. I was reduced 1 grade but got a suspended sentence. Later the suspension was vacated. What date will I use as my new Date of Rank?

I received an Article 15 on October 13rd 2013. It was vacated on January 5th 2014. I was reduced from E-5 to E-4. Will my date of rank be the date of the original punishment or the date of the vacation?.. Read the Answer»

If I am on Medical Profile can I be Placed on CQ every other day?

I was placed on CQ every day because I did not inform my chain of command that I had a Physical Therapy appt. I am on profile and I have to go to Physical Therapy everyday. I pull 24 hours of duty, get off at 9 am and have to be at my appt at 10:45 am every day. I am exhausted. I feel like they are punishing me for trying to rehabilitate muself.. Read the Answer»