On the signature block, if the two people signing are the same rank, who do you put on the left, and who do you put on the right? or do you put both names on the right?.. Read the Answer»
Here is a list of every post written by Mark
On the signature block, if the two people signing are the same rank, who do you put on the left, and who do you put on the right? or do you put both names on the right?.. Read the Answer»
The following is a brief discussion on who attends a training meeting and what their roles are: Attendees will vary depending on the structure of your unit but on average the following personnel should attend the training meeting: Commander: Responsible …Read More
I am waiting for an answer on my conditional waiver for a honorable discharge in lieu of a separation review board. My Cmd has already approved transition leave and I should start clearing next week. That being said, transition called my cmd asking if my ets was a chapter or regular because of the code on my record (9J). My CMD said he did not know and never fully answered so I have no orders. I would be able to clear (with post papers) with a memo to clear without orders. I am prior service and have already sold leave upon that ets (pregnancy chapter). If I am unable to clear and be out soon I will lose all of my leave. TDS told me that I could ETS with leave prior but I cannot find anything in regulations or anything else. I have also done many searches online with no luck. I need guidance and help please.. Read the Answer»
Developing Your Command/Leadership Philosophy You should begin building or developing your Command Philosophy before you ever arrive at the unit. In fact it would be a good idea to begin developing it before you are selected for command. This allows …Read More
Is there a specific memo format to use if my counseling bullets are too long to fit in the counseling form?.. Read the Answer»
I need to know how many retirement point I have and how many points I need to receive my 20 year letter? .. Read the Answer»
The following is a brief discussion of how to prepare for a Change of Command Inventory but it could easily apply to any Leader change of hand receipt. Preparing for the Inventory Before beginning the inventory, sit down with the …Read More
Our Detachment Commander is stipulating that every quarter when we counsel our NCO's, all NCO Support forms be accompanied with a 4856 Counseling form. Does he or can he make us add a 4856 to the quarterly counseling NCO Support form? Thanks again for your time Mark! I am very appreciative of you sharing the vast quantity and quality of knowledge you have!.. Read the Answer»
I was in the Active Navy, Reserve Navy, Reserve Guard, Reserve Navy and then finally the Reserve Army and then IRR via the Army. Is there someplace I can contact where the Army could tell me what they have as my total service for retirement? .. Read the Answer»
Prior to the Initial Counseling Raters, should be well prepared to execute an initial counseling session. This tells the rated Soldier you care about them and will provide them with every opportunity to succeed. Preparation helps establish credibility with the …Read More
In order to properly render a Relief for Cause evaluation report a leader must know the definitions associated with the report and how they apply to the process. Definitions In order to understand the purpose of relief, let’s examine a …Read More
Can a FLIPL stop a Med board? .. Read the Answer»