Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can a Chapter or Separation Action be Suspended Like Article 15 Punishment?

Can a Chapter or Separation Action be Suspended Like Article 15 Punishment?.. Read the Answer»

MEME of the Week

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Is There a Regulation Covering How Long a Soldier has to Report to a Recall Formation?

Is There a Regulation Covering How Long a Soldier has to Report to a Recall Formation?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Military Leader’s Book

At Asktop we want to bring our Soldiers tools to help them spend more time with their Soldiers and Less TIME on PAPERWORK.  We hope this leaderbook, helps out. Leaders Book Example: Contains 47 pages with information or coversheets for: …Read More

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Resources for Award Writing

Strategy Resources Before you begin writing an award you need to arm yourself with some background information. Reviewing these documents will help you acquire a firm foundation of award policy and procedures: AR 600-8-22 Military Awards: This regulation contains the …Read More

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What Evidence Does the Separation Authority Look at When They are Separating a Soldier?

What evidence does the separation authority look at when they are separating a Soldier?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

How Long Does a Leader Have to Give a Soldier a Negative Counseling Statement?

How Long Does a Leader Have to Give a Soldier a Negative Counseling Statement?.. Read the Answer»

What to do When an Award is Downgraded

Downgrading an Award Typically you will not discover an award has been downgraded until it returns to the unit. This means your ability to appeal the downgrade will be limited by the Soldier’s departure from the unit or the time …Read More

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Can I be Forced to Attend a Board (SOQ,NCOQ, SAMC, SMC)?

I'm hearing rumors that I will be forced to attend the next NCO of the Quarter Board. I do not desire to attend. Is there any regulation out there that states I can be forced to attend?.. Read the Answer»

I am Trying to Get Mechanic Badges for my Soldiers. Is There a Website or a Way I Can Get a Formatted Memorandum?

I am Trying to Get Mechanic Badges for my Soldiers. Is There a Website or a Way I Can Get a Formatted Memorandum? .. Read the Answer»

Getting an Award Approved for Your Soldiers

Understanding Your Environment When you recommend a Soldier for an award you want to make sure they get the award they deserve. To do this you need to understand the environment you are working in. Ask yourself a few questions: …Read More

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I (NCO) Escorted a Soldier who was Restricted to Post-to an Off Post Location; Can I Lose my Rank Over this?

I'm an NCO who took a soldier off post after being told by another NCO he was on restriction but could only go somewhere if an NCO took him. That soldier ended up getting in serious trouble , am I to blame and could I lose my rank as punishment?.. Read the Answer»