Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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What are the Requirements for a Battlefield Promotions?

Is there a new SOP for battlefield promotions? Also what exactly are the requirements for it? Finally do the special operations support elements have a different process for these things? .. Read the Answer»

Using Moss on the Side of a Tree to Determine Direction- NOT TRUE

There have been many articles written and survival experts claim that you can tell cardinal direction by the side of a tree that moss grows on. The premise is that moss only grows on the North side of trees to …Read More

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As Caregivers Can We Decide to Terminate Our End of the Family Care Plan?

My husband and I are caring for our daughter's children. She is divorced and is due to be deployed. Custody has not been settled in court. We feel our daughter needs to come home and take care of her children and the custody issues. She got in the Army, now we have the mess. Are we able to terminate a Family Care Plan?.. Read the Answer»

Army Uniform Tool
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Can I be Reduced in Grade for Something I Said During a Unit Football Game?

Can my 1SG/Commander reduce me in grade during a football game. because they did not like I a statement I had made? Specifically I stated the commander of the other unit needed to follow the rules and not allow her team to break the rules... Read the Answer»

Methods of Measuring Distance for Land Navigation

Straight Line Measuring distance on a map is critical to be able to determine how far you must travel between points or locations. You can measure straight line distance and curved distance (roads). The most accurate method for measuring straight …Read More

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My Soldier says I can’t counsel her by email- Is this correct?

Top, does e-mail couseling count in terms of valid and official professional counseling, despite that it is not hand written or typed on a DA 4856 AUG 2010? I have an E-6 disputing that an e-mail to her with detailed counseling is not counseling because the regulation states that a 4856 is used. Please advise... Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Vehicle Cold Weather Maintenance Class

This class is designed to teach Maintenance and effects of cold on military vehicles. The Action, Condition, and Standard of the class are as follows: Action: Operate vehicles in the cold weather environment Condition: In temperatures of 32º F to …Read More

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Can an Enlisted Soldier have another Enlisted Soldier as a Roommate?

Can an Enlisted Soldier have another Enlisted Soldier as a Roommate?.. Read the Answer»

How to Use Your Hand to Illustrate Terrain Features

Some of you may not know how to use your hand to explain terrain features; whiles a few of us might need a slight refresher.  Below is an example of how you can use your hand  to illustrate the terrain …Read More

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Does a Specialist Have to Obey the Orders of Another Specialist in a Leadership Position?

I am a specialist that has been placed as a team chief in a 20 level slot. I am having problems with one of my Soldiers bringing up my rank and failing to execute the taskings I put out. I have heard of position over rank but I am not sure where exactly I can find this on digits... Read the Answer»

I am in AIT and Would Like to Know if My Command Keep Me Past My Report Date if I am Pending and Article 15?

I a in AIT, we had a random barrack inspection and they found an empty little liquor bottle in my drawer. I was given a counseling to sign that recommended UCMJ and I am flagged IAW AR 600-8-2. My report date to my new unit within 2 weeks. I would like to know can they keep me past my report date if the article 15 is still pending? .. Read the Answer»

After Action Review (AAR) Planning and Preparation

Introduction After Action Reviews (AARs) are an extremely useful tool if planned and conducted properly. Conversely AARs that are improperly prepared and executed can be detrimental to the event and the overall morale of the element. The main point to …Read More

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