Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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NCOER False counseling dates, no counseling dates, negative comments- What can I do?

I have serveral questions TOP! Can my rater or senior rater place a derogatory comment on my NCOER without me ever having received a counseling statement? Can They falsify my counseling dates and then remove them and my senior rater write in section Ve that the form was not used but that I was verbally counseled? What exactly can I do and where does it state that the dates for the counselings placed on my NCOER must be in writing? .. Read the Answer»

Relief for Cause Reports Article 1 of 2

Introduction I must make it extremely clear that the information contained in this article should only be used as a guide. Since each case must stand on its own merit, it is important you seek guidance from qualified personnel and reference …Read More

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Should I counsel a Soldier Who is in Their Reenlistment Window but Chooses not to Reenlist?

Should I counsel a Soldier Who is in Their Reenlistment Window but Chooses not to Reenlist?.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Social Media Standards for Army Leaders

SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEADERS Social media has improved the way we connect and communicate as a culture, but it presents some interesting dilemmas for Army leaders. ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS Social media is about connecting, so it’s only natural that Army leaders may interact and function in …Read More

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How can I look up my retirement points?

I am in the Army Reserves and I need to determine how many points I have towards retirement. Can you help me?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be Denied Block Leave for Being Flagged for Being Overweight.

Can a soldier be denied block leave for being flagged for being overweight. Soldier is days from signing papers to be med boarded.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Corrective Training Physical Fitness Exercise and Smoke Sessions Class 2 of 2

Frequently Corrective Training involving physical training and or exercise is improperly conducted and can be harmful to the Soldier and also end a leaders career over charges of abuse, bullying, and hazing.  Army doctrine makes it clear there are specific …Read More

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Domestic Violence and Transitional Compensation Program

Introduction Recently I was working with a family member that allegedly was abused by the spouse (a military member).  That’s when I found out about the Transitional Compensation Program. I feel like this information needs to reach family members so …Read More

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How Long do I Have to Get a Line of Duty Investigation Going?

Please tell me how long I have to get a Line of Duty (LOD) investigation completed. I was injured in 2016 and the injury has not healed. I was told it is to late cause the injury happened in 2016... Read the Answer»

Corrective Training Class 1 of 2

    Recently we released 3 articles on corrective training.  We thought it would be a good idea to follow up the articles with a couple of classes on corrective training. This class is titled:  Using Corrective Training to Motivate …Read More

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I just got appointed as Battalion Master Driver but all we Have are Non Tactical Vehicles Where Can I Find Information to Perform My Duties?

I have just been designated the Battalion Master Driver.,,, we have no tactical military vehicles.. only vans and trucks..there is no driver's training program, we have no motor pool,,,where do I start to get individuals properly licensed on equipment on the airfield,,,ie tugs, agpus,and all vehicles they drive off on the airfield .. Read the Answer»

Ranking Your Soldiers for Evaluation Reports (NCOERs and OERs)

Rank Your Subordinates Ranking is a process you can use to document your initial or gut feelings about your team’s performance. It is very important that you do not rely solely on this initial process because the initial ranking is …Read More

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