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Can my Chain of Command make me go to the field on a dead man’s profile and crutches?

I recently had a hip Arthoscopy and a Labrum reconstruction surgery. Today is my final day of Convalescent Leave. My company command told my NCO that as soon as I sign in today, I have to come to the company and sleep in the Motorpool with the other rear D personnel while they are out in the field. I’m still recovering and on crutches and my medical profile pretty much all No’s down my profile. What I want to know is if they can make do this? Or should I do it and face the risk of hindering my recovery?.. Read the Answer»

Was I Wrong to Direct a Soldier to Complete Corrective Because they Failed to Wash and Dry Their Hands?

I received a negative counseling for having a Soldier write an essay on the importance of proper hand washing and drying because I observed him leaving the restroom and he did not wash his hands. Now my 1SG has me sitting in the orderly room as corrective training for giving a Soldier corrective training. The Soldier was not my direct report. Was I wrong?.. Read the Answer»

Is it appropriate for a SSG(P) to be placed on the SSG duty roster…shouldn’t they be placed on the SFC duty roster?

If you are SSG (P) is it within regulation to pull Staff Duty and no other SSG (P)'s pulls Staff Duty they pull Brigade Staff Duty.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Can a previous infraction in another unit be used against a Soldier for separation or chapter purposes?

If a Soldier commits a offense while in another unit and moves on to permanent party status in another unit (division), commits a infraction can the infraction from the previous unit be used against the Soldier to establish a pattern of misconduct? .. Read the Answer»

If I Volunteered to Participate in Remedial PT with my Squad Leader Can Another Leader Force me to do PT with him all Weekend?

I failed a diagnostic APFT because I just got off profile for an injury. I volunteered to do extra pt with my NCO to get back into shape. Another NCO came to our workout session because he has a Soldier that joined our session. He then proceed to tell me that I had to meet him all this weekend to workout. I am currently on a reconditioning profile. Is he allowed to force me to come to his pt sessions outside of our workday?.. Read the Answer»

Is it inappropriate to have A CW3 as a nieghbor if I am enlisted?

I have a CW3 as my neighbor I was just curious as to if this is supposed authorized. I am a junior enlisted Soldier and he is a commissed officer. Is this considered fraternization? .. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can A Senior Leader Force a Rater/Senior Rater to Change an Evaluation Report?

My evaluation report went up to battalion and the Battalion CSM kicked it back and directed my rater to make changes. A new evaluation report was brought to me for signature. Can the CSM make my rater change the evaluation report?.. Read the Answer»

What do I do when a Senior Leader is Verbally abusive?

What do you do when a 1SG calls a lower enlisted a Piece of S _ _ _t the PT field in front of everyone when the unit is taking a pt test. The Soldier got hurt during the PT test and the 1SG took a picture of the Soldier that got hurt laying on the ground then sent it to the commander? .. Read the Answer»

Do I Need an Evaluation Report if I am Going to ETS, Retire, or Separate Under the Med Board Process?

I am going through the Medical board process and I'm almost complete. I am waiting on orders to clear and get out. My platoon sergeant is now telling me I have to do my NCOER that is due in less than 30 days... Read the Answer»

Can My Chain of Command Order Me to Clean the Inside of My Car?

Does my CoC have the right to tell me to clean the inside of my car? It is my personal property... Read the Answer»

Can I be Relieved if the Rater or Senior Rater Have Failed to Counsel me?

Looks like I will be found guilty for an inappropriate relationship. The investigation is still on going. My commander called me and stated he was giving me a relief of cause NCOER. Besides the Relief for cause NCOER it looks like I will be receiving a GOMAR as well. I'm already trying to fight the GOMAR to try and keep it locally filed. My concern is the relief of cause NCOER. Can I get it even though I've never been counseled by either the rater or senior rater? Should I refuse to sign? Rebuttals it? Commanders inquiry? .. Read the Answer»

I am Retiring in 10 Months…Do I have to take a PT Test?

I am due to Retire in 10 months and now I am scheduled to take an APFT soon. Do I still have to take the APFT due to the fact that I am Retiring?.. Read the Answer»