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Can I be separated from service for failing a PT if my chain of command failed to properly execute thier duties and responsibilities?

Top I really need your expertise. I failed my 1st APFT. Then I passed the 2nd one but leadership then told me it was diagnostic. I took another APFT a week after and passed but Unit Leadership nullified the test because some Soldiers complained they ran extra lap. I then had to take another APFT in which I ended up running in the snow and I failed my run by 16sec. My commander has initiated chapter process but i have not signed any paperwork yet. I have asked to talk to him but I have not gotten a response from my chain of command. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command force me to buy a unit PT uniform?

My chain of command is putting out a new uniform for pt but the soldiers have to purchase this new uniform and it’s not the pts issued from the beginning it’s more of a squadron uniform , so my question is can they make me buy it , will I get in trouble if I don’t ?.. Read the Answer»

Do schools attended while enlisted carry over to the military education section of an ORB when you commission as an officer?

Do schools attended while enlisted carry over to the military education section of an ORB when you commission as an officer?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

If you are speaking of an Article 15 as punitive as than “Yes” they can proceed with the action without an assessment. The decision to proceed will be up to the JAG. There is typically no counseling requirement

If you are speaking of an Article 15 as punitive as than "Yes" they can proceed with the action without an assessment. The decision to proceed will be up to the JAG. There is typically no counseling requirement .. Read the Answer»

I walked into a SECURED AREA with NO CLEARANCE. What can happen to me for this violation?

I accidently walked into a classified area (secret). I wanted to know what the punishment is for this violation as I have no clearance and immediately left the room... Read the Answer»

Where do I place my oak leaf clusters on the suspension ribbon of my full sized medal?

Where do I place the oak leaf cluster on my full size medal?.. Read the Answer»

Army Uniform Tool
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

How do I properly place full size medals on my ASU?

How do I put full size medals on my ASU?.. Read the Answer»

Can my Commander make me serve Article 15 restriction only on weekends?

My Commander recently gave me an Article 15. He has stated I can only be restricted on the weekend. At that rate it will take 7 weeks for me to serve my 14 day punishment. Is this legal? What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

How Does the Promotion System Work and Why Haven’t I Been Promoted?

I am a SGT(p) with 7 years and 6 months time in service and 4 years time in grade; currently deployed and with the new promotion system I have to have ALC to be promoted. My questions is how does the CLI promotions work and with my MOS being under strength how come I have not been promoted with our points being 14 the past 2 months? .. Read the Answer»

Can a Flag for Height and Weight Prevent me From Deploying with My Unit

I am currently deployed to Kuwait, my company has missions in Afghanistan and Jordan. I have been told that since I am flagged for height and weight I cannot deploy forward. Is this correct? .. Read the Answer»

I got caught smoking in the barracks…what can happen to me?

My son got caught smoking in his barracks room and lied to the NCO. What can happen to him? He want to stay in the Army... Read the Answer»

Is It appropriate to receive a negative counseling statement before you receive your initial counseling?

Can I receive a negative counseling before receiving your initial counseling?.. Read the Answer»