Category Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our Army leadership Articles. Articles are typically longer and more in-depth than Q&A posts.

Can I Require my Soldiers to Answer the Phone or Respond to Text Messages

Can i counsel my Soldiers to answer their phone? What I want is to setup a counseling that is just about communication and how important it is to make sure they at least respond to there leader when I have questions Please Help. What do I do?.. Read the Answer»

Preparing Correspondence to the President of the Promotion Board (SFC, MSG, SGM)

A letter to the president of the selection board is seen by voting members of the board. You may write to the board president to call attention to any matter that you feel is important and/ relevant to your selection …Read More

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Unauthorized Documents for the AMHRR

The following are examples of documents that are routinely sent to HRC but are NOT AUTHORIZED for filing in the AMHRR: Certificates of training not listed in DA Pam 351-4 ITC Training and German Headstart Time Management Course Stress Management …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Requesting A Standby Advisory Board (STAB): Promotions for SFC, MSG, and SGM

Overview You may have heard NCOs stating that they were applying for a second look promotion. They were referring to a STAB. There are many misconceptions about a STAB. If you have prepared yourself, for the centralized promotion board, you …Read More

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Using corrective training to motivate substandard performers

Corrective training is a fantastic, yet underutilized, tool for growing your subordinates. Simply put, it is a method to correct a performance deficiency.

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Honest Mistake or Unforgivable Sin?

Leaders are responsible for both the good and the bad within our area of responsibility or scope of influence. We are also responsible for helping to shape, mentor, and grow the future leaders of this great nation. As part of …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Leadership Quotes of the Day

As a Battalion CSM on mine use to say (Leo Arsenalt) If you can’t be on time be early  

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What regulation states a Soldier has the right to have JAG/IG present during a counseling session?

Short Answer There is no requirement for a disinterested party like JAG or the IG to be present during a counseling session Discussion There is no regulation that states JAG or the IG can or cannot be presence during a …Read More

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Does the person who wrote the counseling have to sign it?

Short Answer Yes, the person that wrote the counseling statement must sign the counseling statement. Discussion While there is nothing in counseling doctrine that specifically states this it is common sense and it is also implied when reading counseling doctrine. …Read More

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Will lifting weight help me on my PT test?

Will lifting weight help me on my PT test? Yes and no. If you are lifting heavy weights in low reps, it won’t help you at all. In fact, if that is the only way you are lifting weights, you …Read More

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Can I backdate a counseling statement?

This is a common question. Typically, backdating counseling statements is unacceptable, especially if it puts the Soldier at a disadvantage.  There are no Field Manuals or Regulations that specifically address this matter.

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Should I invest in a good pair of running shoes?

Should I invest in a good pair of running shoes? Yes! Don’t purchase just any old shoes. Shoes make a difference. Invest in a good pair if for no other reason than to protect your knees and ankles from arthritis …Read More

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