Category Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our Army leadership Articles. Articles are typically longer and more in-depth than Q&A posts.

NCO Found Guilty for Maltreatment of Subordinates

This morning I read an article in the Stars & Stripes that was very disturbing.  An NCO was found guilty of abusing a subordinate.  While I believe most of our leaders are out to do the right thing and grow …Read More

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Guest Post By SGM Thomas D. Clementson Leadership is an Investment. Readers we will begin posting a series of Articles by leaders who have been there and done that.  Many of them have learned lessons the hard way and want to share their lessons learned with you so that you …Read More

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Push-up prep

When performing push-ups in practice, ensure your arms go below the parallel position to prevent test day grading surprises.

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Preventive maintenance day before PT test

Check your running shoes the day prior to make sure the laces are good (If not, replace them.). On test day, firmly lace your shoes to where comfortable, but not too tight, and double knot tie the laces to prevent …Read More

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Maximize periods of rest between APFT events

Take full advantage of rest periods between PT test events to improve overall test score. Every bit helps. FM 7-22 states on page A-1, Section A.2 “Soldiers are allowed a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes …Read More

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PMCS your Running Shoes prior to the APFT

Check your running shoes the day prior to make sure the laces are good (If not, replace them.). On test day, firmly lace your shoes to where comfortable, but not too tight, and double knot tie the laces to prevent …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Can Physical Fitness Exercise be use as Corrective Training?

Yes it can be used as corrective training if the rules are followed In your example this is not  the proper application or execution of using Physical Training as Corrective Training. AR 600-20 and FM 7-22 contact information on using …Read More

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Should I eat sweets before a PT Test?

Do not eat a candy bar or other sugary foods before a PT test. They will rob you of needed energy by the time you get to your run portion of the test.

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Preparing for the 2 Mile Run on APFT Test Day

About 5 minutes prior to the run events, jog in place a minute to get the blood flowing and prepare your body for the test.

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Can my Commadner force me to do Corrective PT, Extra PT because I did not make a 270 on my APFT but passed my APFT?

Can my Commander force Soldiers to do additional PT and force them to come in on weekends because they did not score a 270 or higher, even though they all have passing pt scores.. Read the Answer»

Push-up prep for PT test

About 5-10 minutes prior to performing the push-up section of the test, knock out about 5-10 medium to slow paced push-ups to get the blood flowing and prepare your body for the test.

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What physical activity should I do before a PT test?

To get your maximum PT score, the week before the PT test, do light PT. Your body will be craving to fly on test day. If you can’t do that, than do light PT two days prior. At a minimum, …Read More

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