Category Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our Army leadership Articles. Articles are typically longer and more in-depth than Q&A posts.

I Was Discovered On a Boat In the Bering Sea

“Hide not your talents.  They for use were made.  What’s a sundial in the shade?” -Benjamin Franklin We all have a talent, something we enjoy doing so much that it rarely, if ever, feels like work.  Matter of fact, you …Read More

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I have been exercising and now I have a painful bump in my arm pit. What is it, how did I get it, and what do I stop exercising?

At some time or another, the majority of people get that painful, red mass in one or both of their arm pits. This is called an abscess and it came about because a sweat gland got blocked or it is …Read More

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How to resolve an issue.

Soldiers sometimes have issues that they believe are not being properly addressed by their chain of command. Usually this is the result of a lack of understanding or poor communication between leaders and Soldiers. So the question becomes how does …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

What is the definition of a Leader as it pertains to counseling?

Army leader Anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals. Army leaders motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking and shape decisions …Read More

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Counseling in the Digital Age

Recording Devices and Counseling This is the first in a series of articles concerning the use of recording devices as they relate to counseling and other situations within today’s military. Discussion Over the past year I have been asked numerous …Read More

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Army overweight counseling

We’ve all heard it before: staying fit is simple math. The equation in question is calories in versus calories out. As military professionals, staying in shape is not a cosmetic choice. It is a career decision and all too often, …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Can I be counseled for an event that happened 8 months ago?

Short Answer Yes you can but it does not make sense Discussion ATP 6-22.1 para 2-30. states: Counseling tied to a specific event should happen as closely to the event occurrence as possible. For performance or professional development counseling, subordinates …Read More

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Can a Soldier be required to sign a counseling statement while on medication?

Top, I was on some medication and was given a counseling statement for something. I did not feel comfortable signing the counseling statement. Can they make me sign a counseling statement when I am on medication?.. Read the Answer»

How to Submit a Complaint Against Your Commander Under the Article 138 Process

Purpose The purpose of this Article is to walk you through the Article 138 process.  This will help you understand if the Article 138 process is appropriate for your situation and explain how to construction your complaint. Reference: Army Regulation:  …Read More

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I am about to become a Detachment Sergeant and/or a First Sergeant, Can you recommend some resources that will help prepare me for this position?

You might want to consider the following references.  Disclaimer: I did write the following books but they were written to help leaders become better Leaders at the squad, platoon, and company level.  Consider looking at the following title:  The Mentor, …Read More

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Who is authorized to see my Profile?

Any leader has the right to look at your profile to ensure they are not giving you an order in violation of that profile.  Profiles are governed under AR 40-501.  You should carry your profile on you at all times. …Read More

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AIT Soldier is Ordered by Platoon Sergeant not to get into a Car with Father (an Officer), because it is Fraternization!

Research on the Subject I have reviewed everything I can find with regard to fraternization with regard to Army Regulations, TRADOC Regulations, the Manual for Courts-Martial, and various policy letters.  I have attached the extracts of these documents to the …Read More

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