Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can Article 15 punishments be influenced by previously resolved issues?

I was recently given an article 15. During the reading they kept bringing up a topic that is related but I have already been counseled for. I have completed corrective training for that issue. Regardless, It was the main factor that contributed to their decision about how to punish me under UCMJ. Is it legal for them to do this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I help a Soldier who is distracted by responsibilities at home?

I have a Soldier who is a distraction to the platoon because he is constantly away from work for appointments. His wife is in a wheelchair and can't take care of their child. What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Are sunglasses authorized for wear with the ACU?

Are you authorized to wear non-prescription sun glasses with your Army Combat Uniform while on military duty?.. Read the Answer»

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Can I write an award recommendation for a Soldier senior to me in grade?

Can anyone recommend a Soldier for an award regardless of rank (ie., can an E-5 recommend an E-6?).. Read the Answer»

Can a Squad Leader rate another Squad Leader?

I am an E-5(P) assigned as a squad leader. Is it proper for another squad leader who is an E-6 to rate me?.. Read the Answer»

Do you have a counseling statement example for unit recalls?

What should a counseling statement look like for a unit recall?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Army Leader Newsletter #1 Sent!

We just sent out our very first Army Leader Newsletter! We publish new material at least four times a week. Who has time to check a website that often? We offer a number of ways for you to keep up …Read More

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Can I change Agree to Disagree on a counseling statement?

Got a counseling statement. I checked the agree box, but now want to change my mind. Can I do this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I ensure my Soldiers get the awards they deserve?

Awards in my unit are being determined in large part by what rank the awardee holds. For instance, an officer who was only here a short time recently PCSed from our unit and received an MSM; a SSG PCSed and received an ARCOM even though he had been here longer and had done volumes more than the Major. He had the responsibility and performance to warrant an MSM, yet he wasn't the "appropriate" rank so he received an ARCOM. To whom should I address this? Help us out here, Top!.. Read the Answer»

Can my unit send me on back-to-back 179 days TCS?

I am active duty in an AC/RC assignment. My unit is trying to TCS me for 179 days then bring me back for a few days and redeploy me for another 179 days. Is this legal?.. Read the Answer»

FT Stewart Book Signing

If you are in the Fort Stewart area, come out to meet Mark and Patricia Gerecht next Thursday or Friday (29-30 SEP). They will be signing copies of their book, The Military Spouse and talking with Soldiers. The Military Spouse …Read More

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Is my Soldier entitled to Family Separation Allowance (FSA)?

I have a Soldier who is receiving FSA, but I have been told that his family is with him at his TCS location. What are the qualifiers? This Soldier went to finance and got back-pay for the last 9 months, and FSA is reflected on his LES. Is it dangerous to handle this at the lower level by compelling the Solder to return to finance and pay the money back?.. Read the Answer»