Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I be counseled for not answering my phone when my squad leader calls?

I was out fishing in the evening (after duty hours) and my squad leader tried to call me. I did not hear my phone ring and did not know that he had called until about an hour later when I happened to pick up my phone to call my wife. I returned the squad leader's call ASAP. Now my squad leader has written me a derogatory counseling statement for "ignoring him." This doesn't seem fair to me... Read the Answer»

Veterans Day 2011 Free Food offers

As you know, this Friday (11.11.11) is Veterans Day. This is a time to celebrate veterans from all services and conflicts. According to the 2010 US Census, there are nearly 22-million veterans in the United States. That’s a lot of …Read More

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Can I counsel a Soldier for fasting?

Should I counsel a Soldier for fasting? If so, how would I write it? I am afraid this is a health risk that will have a negative impact on readiness... Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

How do I help a Soldier who just does not “get it” and cannot follow orders?

I have a Soldier who is quite frankly, a complete idiot. I know that may be harsh, but I have no other way to put it. Maybe "special' is more politically correct. However, this Soldier simply can't follow instruction, has no sense, and in general just does unbelievable things. I have done my best to address this. First I addressed his finances, because he has those all messed up. Then his lack of hygiene and cleanliness of his room. He is lost in most things I tell him to do. At 19 years old, he does not appear to have the ability to think for himself. I do my best to be clear with him, but I just don't know how long I can endure him. I honestly don't know how to deal with this guy. It's just one thing after another and counseling doesn't seem to help, formal or not. I don't see how an article will help him. I am tempted to just come down harder and harder, but maybe someone on here has a better option than that... Read the Answer»

Army Leader Newsletter #2 Sent!

The second edition of our Army Leader Newsletter has just gone out the door. This newsletter contains a brief update on the State of the Site as well as a featured article and a featured download. Click through to read …Read More

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Can an NCO who is not my Squad Leader give me a counseling statement?

I am an E-4. Another NCO who is not in my NCO support channel gave me a negative counseling statement. Can he do that?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Multiple Tours… “No one ever said it was easy”

Staff Sergeant [now SFC] MacArthur Ocampo was born in Southern California, but at the age of ten he moved to the Philippines to live with his relatives. Graduating from high school at age fifteen (yes, fifteen), he entered university and …Read More

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Who can I talk to about the threats my roommate is making?

I have recently been involved in drama with two other Soldiers. It started when my roommate accused me of bullying her so she could be moved into a room with her friends. They just took her word for it and my SGT moved her and gave me a new roommate. The new roommate carried a knife. The SGT took the knife from her after her friend threatened to take my life. The SGT took no further action. Everything was just swept under the rug. The new roommate and her friends say things to me throughout the day like, "Six feet under." I have told my SGT that I feel threatened and unsafe, and I was told to brush it off. He tells me that they will find a way to chapter me out of the Army or take my pay if I don't stop complaining about these girls. I feel like I am not being taken seriously because of the false accusations of my first roommate. I have tried to talk to my 1SG, but I have not been allowed to. I have no idea who else to talk to about this... Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be flagged while deployed?

Can I flag a soldier for failing a pt test or height and weight while deployed?.. Read the Answer»

Can Army commands restrict on-duty cell phone use?

Is there a regulation governing the use (overuse) of cell phones in the work place in the military? Can you tell a Soldier not to bring a cell phone into work?.. Read the Answer»

What regulation requires Soldiers E-4 and below to be counseled monthly?

Hey TOP, I am currently involved in a professional discussion with an LT. He says there is no requirement to conduct monthly counseling. I say there is. Who is right?.. Read the Answer»

How do I correct a Soldier’s poor attitude?

How do I adjust a Soldier's negative attitude? He has crossed over into disrespect a few times and has been counseled and "corrected" on that. His attitude is no longer disrespectful but is extremely negative with a "why" type of attitude every time he is given a task... Read the Answer»