Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I administer a “for record” APFT while deployed? (UPDATED)

Does a PT Test administered during deployment count as a record pt test or is it only a diagnostic?.. Read the Answer»

When do temporary medical profiles expire if they are not dated?

I have Soldier who went to the doc and got a temp profile but it does not have an expiration date on it. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Are resolved counselings still valid?

I was counseled for a minor reoccurring problem about two months ago. I fixed the issue and my squad leader updated my counseling statement with an assessment that said the problem had been resolved to her satisfaction. I'm now facing an unrelated problem and my chain of command is trying to use that resolved counseling statement against me. Can they do that?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Can my chain of command force me to change my recommendation?

A Squad Leader is being "strongly encouraged" (nearly forced) by 1SG and CSM to change critical comments in a subordinate's performance evaluation form (NGB 4101-1-R) and pad the points so they seem more favorable towards the subordinate Soldier. SL does not agree with changing any comments or points. What does the SL do?.. Read the Answer»

How do I tell my side of the story on a counseling statement?

I am in E-5 in the Army National Guard. I recently received a counseling statement that I have not signed because I believe it does not sufficiently explain the incident. Some of the information is incorrect as well and I have documentation to support my claim of inaccuracies. Should I sign the counseling statement? How can I tell my side of the issue? .. Read the Answer»

What are the time limitations for the completion of counseling?

What are the time limitations for the completion of counseling?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can one negative counseling stop me from being promoted?

I am in the secondary zone for promotion to E-6 and got a negative counseling statement. My supervisor now states he will not send me to the promotion board. Can he really do this?.. Read the Answer»

Will my Army unit accept a civilian medical profile?

I have a profile from a civilian doctor I got while I was on leave but my unit won't accept it. What's up with that?.. Read the Answer»

Promotions and Substandard Performers

Substandard performers do not promote themselves, they are promoted by leaders who fail to do their job!

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Can the unit make me take a PT test if I am on profile?

My unit wants me to take a PT Test but I have been on profile for over 90 days. Can they make me take a PT test?.. Read the Answer»

These Soldiers don’t have what it takes!

“These new recruits, they don’t have what it takes, they are too soft.” Sound familiar? I’m sure my Drill Sergeant said something similar about my generation. It is a comment that tends to be transmitted from generation to generation of …Read More

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How can I correct an unfair NCOER before it hits my official record?

I am a Reserve Soldier and have PCS'd with my AC spouse last spring and am just now getting my NCOER from my previous unit. The rating period is from 1 Sep to 31 Aug. The first one was a joke. I replied back having to send them a copy of the APFT they administered since the NCOER stated I had not taken one within the time frame of the NCOER and was given a "needs improvement". He fixed the NCOER and entered one bullet for each section which wasn't on the first one.

I also requested that my 40+ volunteer hours as my spouses unit's FRG Leader be included. The rater is giving excuses that I was not being tracked during that time and he can't verify I actually did the volunteering because they didn't see me do it. While I was in the middle of having to find a new unit on my own because they would not help, I made sure Medpros stayed updated, my online training was always done etc. I did everything I was asked to do during the time they claim I was not being tracked. I was never counseled during the whole period and the rater entered dates of non existent counselings.

How can he enter dates for counselings that never existed and claim I wasn't being tracked and refuse to add my volunteer hours which I feel deserves an excellent bullet? I said I would get the documentation for the hours, but he still says he didn't see me do it. Is the appeal process my only choice? And, will it hold up with my documentation and MFR's from my spouses command?.. Read the Answer»