Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Who do I go to when my NCO threatens me?

I have a complaint about my immediate supervisor. When I tried to resolve the complaint with that supervisor, I was met with resistance. I used my command's open door policy and now that NCO I had an issue with is calling me cussing me and threatening disciplinary counseling. What do I do now?.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command tell me which CSIB to wear?

My Brigade CSM put out that Soldiers are not authorized to wear any other combat patch except that of my current unit. AR 670-1 says that the Soldier may choose which combat patch to wear. My 1SG told me that there is a way for the CSM to enforce his order, kind of like an exception to policy. My question is, can the CSM enforce that order or does AR 670-1 over-rule him? Thank you... Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier get a Good Conduct Medal if they were flagged for 2.5 years?

Can a Soldier receive a Good Conduct Medal if they were flagged for PT failure and overweight for 2.5 years during the award period?.. Read the Answer»

Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software

Can I appeal an Article 15 after I initially decline?

I am in AIT and recently got an Article 15: 14/14. I was given the Article 15 unfairly in that I have previously done similar things but did not do it this time and was blamed for it. It simply isn't fair. My commander stated during the Article 15 hearing that he found me guilty of my reputation (being sarcastic and a goofball). What can I do? Can I appeal this even though I initially turned down the appeal? Will they hold be back in AIT longer than required?.. Read the Answer»

How can I convince my leaders to send me to language school (DLI)?

How can I or what is the best way to convince my leadership to send me to language school. I have a 117 on the DLAB... Read the Answer»

Can I recommend a Soldier for an Article 15 for jumping the chain of command?

I was informed by my senior NCOs that my Soldier can be punished under UCMJ for jumping chain of command/not properly using chain of command. Is this true? I have been researching and can not find specific information to support this... Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can an inaccurate counseling statement stop my PCS?

I recently had an NCO give me a counselling that I was told was written wrong because it was written in 1st person. It also contained incorrect information. The counselor recommended UCMJ action against me well over a month ago. Now it is time for me to PCS to another unit and my leave form was kicked back by my commander for Adverse Action. Could this be because of this counselling? If so, is there anything I can do about the counselling being written wrong in the first place? I did disagree to the counselling but never got a chance to write a rebuttal. Is there anything I can do to get on with my PCS or get this counselling thrown out?.. Read the Answer»

The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan

The Bear Went Over the Mountain has been around since the 1980’s.  When Les Grau originally wrote Bear it was printed only in limited quantities and largely overlooked because the military establishment saw no real value in the book. After …Read More

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AR 670-1 Misfire

There have been rumors circulating about an update to AR 670-1 effective 1 March 2011. We have just confirmed through official Army channels that this document is NOT an official release. The current version of the Army Uniform reg is …Read More

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Who should counsel an E-5 in a squad with more than one NCO?

I am in a squad that has more than one NCO. My section sergeant has directed that I counsel an E-5. Should I do this or should the Squad Leader?.. Read the Answer»

How can a Soldier transfer to another unit?

My husband and I moved to a new duty station a few months ago, but the communications skills are horrible, nothing gets taken care of, and he didn't even have enough time to in-process. My husband is miserable. It is getting worse by the day and I'm worried about him getting depressed and in trouble. Is there any way to file for a reassignment to a different unit?.. Read the Answer»

Can they toss me from Warrior Leader Course (WLC)?

I am in WLC. I made a stupid comment and got a verbal counseling. Several days later, I said something else that was stupid and got a formal counseling for it. Now they want to toss me from the course. The rule is: 2 documented negative counselings are grounds for removal. Is this legal and what should I do?.. Read the Answer»