Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I receive an Article 15 because I let my platoon play soccer for PT?

My chain of command is recommending a field grade Article 15 because I decided one Wednesday to let my platoon play some soccer for PT. I thought it would be a great morale booster for the Soldiers. Now I am being punished for that decision. How can I prove that I was just trying to build morale and platoon cohesion?.. Read the Answer»

Can my leader force me to attend a dinning in or dining out?

Can my unit commander force me to pay for an evening function? He's announced a mandatory Dining Out, but the Soldiers have to pay for their own meals. I can't afford this!.. Read the Answer»

Should leaders who lose rank be moved to another unit?

I recently received a field grade article 15. I lost rank and pay and was assigned 45 days extra duty. I was in a senior leadership position. Isn't it fair that I should be moved to another unit? It is so degrading and shameful to stay in the same unit. I think the punishment I received did not fit the crime... Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Can I rewrite a signed counseling statement after my chain of command rejects it?

TOP... I have an issue that I cannot get a book answer on. I heard this was the place to come for answers and experience. So here goes... I wrote a counseling for one of my Soldiers. We had the counseling session and he signed the document. Two weeks later, it was rejected by the chain of command. Can I rewrite the counseling and have the Soldier sign the corrected version?.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command make me change my rebuttal to a counseling statement?

If I write a memo as a rebuttal to a counseling, can I be forced to change it or remove statements? Can anyone dictate what I put in a counseling or the response to a counseling?.. Read the Answer»

AR 600-8-19 Updated (RAR)

Army Regulation 600-8-19 has been updated via a rapid action revision dated 27 December 2011. Titled Enlisted Promotions and Reductions, this reg is an important reference concerning advancement through the Army ranks. Changes include: Clarifies military education waivers for recommendation …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Can my commander administer an unannounced record APFT 3 months after our previous test?

Recently we were given an unannounced for Record APFT with no notice and we had already taken a PT test for record 3 months ago. Can they do this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I counsel a Soldier who makes threatening statements?

My question is regarding counseling. What specifics do you mention in a counseling when Soldier has stated that "people will die" if his assignment orders get changed? He wants nothing more than to leave Ft. Sill and has previously been denied access to schools due to mental illness. He has a diagnosed personality disorder and I have been tasked with counseling him for his disparaging statements... Read the Answer»

When will my fence be lifted?

When does my fence get lifted? I have not yet been on station 2 years. My ERB gives me an AEA code of L but ASK requisitions says I'm in a fenced in unit... Read the Answer»

How far can a Soldier’s award be downgraded?

I was put in for a Soldiers Medal for saving a civilian's life. How far can it be downgraded?.. Read the Answer»

Is there a regulation that specifies the type of scale to be used during a unit weigh-in?

Sergeant Major, I am an AGR SFC. Upon arrival at my unit I was tagged with the position of First Sergeant. My question: During BN APFT's and weigh-ins, the scales we use to weigh Soldiers are floor scales purchased from Wal-Mart. Does any regulation list a standard for what type of scale is to be used? Every unit I have been in AC or as an AGR have used the same standard scales. .. Read the Answer»

Ye Olde Christmas Newsletter

Check your inbox for our Christmas Newsletter or click this link to read it in your web browser. Merry Christmas, folks. Have an excellent holiday. We have an exciting 2012 coming up on the site. The newsletter contains some details …Read More

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