Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can my chain of command tell me how to spend my money?

Hello Top, I'm a single soldier living in the barracks, and as a PVT. I just found out that I was not suppose to be getting BAS so I am paying that back now. Also myt POV is in really bad shape and is a safety hazard and unreliable. I have an NCO that works at a car dealership downtown and he has offered me an amazing deal on a care.however, my first line SGT literally ordered me not to purchase. I found out that the PSG E-7 does not know about the order they have given me. ANY advice would be appreciated. Thank you!.. Read the Answer»

I do not believe my Article 15 punishment was fair, what can I do.

I recently received a field grade article 15 for violating curfew in Korea I was given the maximum punishment. My question is how can I fight this if I know others that have been found guilty of the same offense and did not get busted and only got 30 days of extra duty.. Read the Answer»

How can I get my orders deleted so I can stay at the same duty station as my fiancee?

Top I am in a jam! I am on orders and my fiancee is in the Army but has only been on this base for about 3 months. We just found out, she is pregnant. What are my options to deleted from orders so we can stay together? .. Read the Answer»

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Can my chain of command make me go to the field if I have a doctor’s appointment and I am ETSing?

I have a physical therapy/profile renewal appointment in two days. This appointment was scheduled 6 weeks ago. Today I just got told I will be required to go to the field on Monday. Do I have to cancel my appointment to go to a field and I only have 5 months left in the Army. .. Read the Answer»

Do I have to cancel my appointment to go to the field?

I have a physical therapy/profile renewal appointment in two days. This appointment was scheduled 6 weeks ago. Today I just got told I will be required to go to the field on Monday. Do I have to cancel my appointment to go to a field and I only have 5 months left in the Army. .. Read the Answer»

Where can I get a copy of my Form 249-E that shows all of my retirement points.

Top, I heard you can answer just about any questions, so I hope you can help out an old Soldier. Here goes....How and where can I print out the 249E Retirement Point Statement?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Can my chain of command stop me from attending appointment with my son who has significant medical issues?

Can my COC stop me from attending my EFMP child's appointments? I am starting to catch a lot of flak about taking them appointments. The child suffers from Autism, ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Effects, ODD, and epilepsy.What can I do to ensure my child gets the help the need and get my Chain of Command to support me?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be a First Sergeant if I have a “WALK” profile?

CSM, can I serve as a First Sergeant (1SG) if I have a Walk profiles?.. Read the Answer»

How do I request a Wavier or Exception to Policy for a Boot that is not currently authorized for wear?

There Are only 12 APPROVED boots that meet AR 670-1 standards. I have a permanent injury, I have to have a very stiff and comfortable boot. I have one I love, been using it for years. It's not leather though. I have tried ALL THE APPROVED BOOTS, none will work for me. What should I do???.. Read the Answer»

If I am a basic trainee or in advanced individual training (AIT) can my Commadner make me give up my car keys?

Can a Commander order me to give up my car keys if I am in basic training or advanced individual training?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Commander take a Soldier’s car keys at Annual Training?

What regulation(s) states that a Commander can take, confiscate, or obligate a Soldier to turn in car keys at Annual Training?.. Read the Answer»

Do flags under AR 600-8-2 block Soldiers from taking a Training Holiday?

Can a Soldier who is flagged be allowed to work on Training Holidays? Is this considered a favorable action that can be withdrawn with the initiation of the Flag?.. Read the Answer»