Tag Leadership | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Leadership

I Just Returned From Deployment- How Long Do I Have to Prepare For The APFT?

My unit returned from deployment in December. We were administered an APFT test in February. I was flagged in June. Is there something I can do to have this flag removed... Read the Answer»

What should I do as a newly promoted member of the military with regard to leadership?

Im not in the military but I'm in the dutch scc ( sea cadet corps ) and I'm having trouble with being in charge. hope you can help with some good advise. I've been told that I will be promoted to the rank of petty officer 3d class in October as I will turn 18 by then. Only problem is that im afraid of failing and that I shut down if they push me to hard to just execute it like they would do. It has improved because I went to an army college at nco level so I got over a big part of my fear there wen I left after getting shin splints. However now that they want me to take charge I get cold feet. I have been with the guys in my unit for the last 3 years and I'm not sure if I will be able to lead them correctly as they all know that I have issues with being in charge of a rowing boat among other things. Could you please give me some advise how I should deal with it cause my unit 2ic won't let me refuse the promotion ( he was my military instructor at army college) and he knows I am able to lead and I know that I am capable of it when i put aside the doubts but I'm really insecure about it. If you could give me advise like you would with a newly promoted nco I would really appreciate it Thank you sgt-mjr.. Read the Answer»

ADRP 3-37 Protection Including Change 1

ADRP 6-22 expands on the leadership principles established in ADP 6-22. It describes the Army’s view of leadership, outlines the levels of leadership (direct, organizational, and strategic), and describes the attributes and core leader competencies across all levels. NOTES: Some …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

ADP 6-22 Army Leadership (Including C1)

ADP 6-22 establishes the Army leadership principles that apply to officers, noncommissioned officers and enlisted Soldiers as well as Army Civilians. Commanders, staffs, and subordinates ensure their decisions and actions comply with applicable US, international, and, in some cases, host-nation …Read More

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Guest Post By SGM Thomas D. Clementson Leadership is an Investment.

ASKTOP.net Readers we will begin posting a series of Articles by leaders who have been there and done that.  Many of them have learned lessons the hard way and want to share their lessons learned with you so that you …Read More

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Can A Retired Soldier Give Me An Order?

Can a retired Soldier use his previous rank on active duty Soldiers? I had a retired SFC pull out his retiree ID card and try to order fix my uniform. Can he do that?. .. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can someone of the same rank counsel me?

Can an NCO counsel another NCO of the same rank? Can an E6 give a counseling statement to another E6? I work with some Soldiers who think that they can do such a thing. I dont think they can because they are the same rank. If another E5 tried to counsel me, I'd likely take the counseling statement and rip it up and tell him to shove it. What is the Army reg on counselings? .. Read the Answer»

I had a leader blow up on me and refuse to sign a counseling statement- How should I handle this?

one of my New NCOS had a blowout with me, when I gave him a counseling for missing our unit FRG meeting. He refused to sign the counseling and told me that the Commander couldn't make FRG meetings mandatory for anybody. He expressed to me, he wouldn't sign any counseling, NCOER checklist, and NCOER coming from me. As his rater, how can I approach this situation... Read the Answer»

Writing a Letter Home to a Soldier’s Parents- Motivation that Changes Lives

As a young 1SG I encountered a high speed Captain in our Battalion Commo.  She was always finding ways to motivate Soldiers and get more out of her Soldiers. I was extremely impressed with her.  Eventually we struck up a …Read More

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Pick your battles

Just as military units avoid committing their forces to diversionary attacks and feints, leaders must be alert to being drawn into minor skirmishes that sap their strength and divert valuable assets from the mission. On an individual level, personality conflicts …Read More

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Part-Time Company Commander: How to Lead a Company in the National Guard or Army Reserve, Course Review

Recently I had the opportunity to review a course for Company Commanders in the Army National Guard or Army Reserves. The course is entitled Part-Time Commander:  How to Lead a Company in the National Guard or Army Reservesby Charles “Chuck” …Read More

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Why should I give automatically promoted NCOs respect?

I'm an NCO and have two Soldiers in my squad that are new NCOs. They were just automatically picked up to SGT by DA. I had to work for my rank and they got theirs automatically. I've tried looking at AR 600-8-17, section V, para. 3-17, but couldn't find anything about this. How am I supposed to treat these Soldiers as equals when I don't feel they are? How am I supposed to demand other Soldiers give them respect when they've been to the board and are just waiting on points? How can this (Auto E5) happen? How do I make it fair to myself and my Soldiers?.. Read the Answer»