Tag Leadership | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Leadership

What is nonpromotable status?

What does the term nonpromotable status mean? What specifically makes someone nonpromotable?.. Read the Answer»

Can an NCO take command of a unit?

Can an NCO be appointed as the commander of a unit? I thought you had to have a commission to hold this type of role... Read the Answer»

Can my commander require me to speak English while on duty?

Like half of my squad, I am a native Spanish speaker. I came into the shop yesterday and found a memo on my desk that said we aren't allowed to speak Spanish while on duty. This seems stupid to me. Can my chain of command really do this? I don't even get why they care... Read the Answer»

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Must all commanders have an open door policy?

Is there a requirement that all commanders have an open door policy?.. Read the Answer»

Am I required to address my chaplain by military rank?

I know chaplains are typically addressed as "Chaplain", but my squad leader just told me that I should be referring to our chaplain by his rank. Am I required to address my chaplain by military rank?.. Read the Answer»

Can I ban a Soldier from smoking at work?

I have a Soldier who smokes. We work in a hospital, and all hospitals are no tobacco use areas. It takes approximately 15 minutes to smoke by the time you leave the area we work, walk to smoking area, smoke, come back, wash your hands, and become a rejoin the team.

This Soldier is the only smoker in the section. Our staffing changes depending on night/day shift. We work in the intensive care unit/post operative care (icu/pacu). Due to this, our patient load changes at the drop of a hat. So if the Charge Nurse allows this Soldier to smoke then a patient comes to the section, a patient may experience a delay in pain medication, or in the worst case scenario, a patient could die.

The question I am trying to ask is: Can I legally tell a soldier that he is not allowed to leave his area to smoke?

I know someone will say he could when it's lunch time, but the same thing applies during the whole 12-hour shift. I cannot know exactly when a patient arrives to the floor, or if a patient needs assistance that requires two people at any given time. Being a nurse is a very time-demanding job, and there are days you feel lucky to have any break at all... Read the Answer»

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Can an NCO revoke a Soldier’s smoking privileges for failing his APFT?

One of my Soldiers recently failed his second APFT 2 mile run. I counseled him on it accordingly and also stated in the counseling that I will revoke his smoking privileges if he fails a third time. Now, I have caught some complaints stating "I can't do that" but I've been standing my ground because I HAVE seen it done and firmly believe I have a just reason to do so. I am confident the CO will not object to my corrective action but I don't want to be wrong.

I have sifted through the Regs looking for some clarity but haven't been able to find anything specific.

Do I indeed have the authority to do this, or am I in the wrong? And if I am right can you reference me to the Reg that states I do have that authority?.. Read the Answer»

My leader asked me to lie, how do I dig myself out?

My Squad Leader and I were in the field driving around in our vehicle. The Squad Leader was driving and lost control of the vehicle. We hit a tree and damaged the vehicle. He looked at me and said, "Look, you need to say you were driving because I don't have my license yet. The 1SG and Commander will give me an Article 15 if they find out I was driving. Don't worry about it, I am the Squad Leader. I can protect you. I will just give you a counseling statement and corrective training and it will be over... no worries, I promise." I felt very uneasy about the whole situation but was worried about what he would do if I said no. When we got back to the unit he told the Platoon Sergeant I had an accident. Now I have to fill out an accident report and I don't want to get in trouble but I am stuck in the middle. What do I do?.. Read the Answer»

Is it legal for an NCOER to include incidents that happened during another rating period?

I just received my NCOER, and it cites me for events that happened in the previous rating period? Isn't that illegal?.. Read the Answer»

When do I fill out the assessment portion of the DA Form 4856?

Nobody seems to have any information on when and how to fill out the assessment block of the 4856. TOP, what's the answer?.. Read the Answer»

How to survive a Weasel Boss

The most obvious sign of the weasel boss is that he is untrustworthy, especially with the people who work for him. The weasel is looking out for himself and cares little about anyone else, unless he thinks they can help …Read More

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