Tag Evaluations | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Evaluations

How should I respond when a leader wants me to give them copies of past evaluation reports?

I just met my CSM roughly 35 days after reporting to my new unit (and he was in his civilian capacity) he told me he needs to see my last five NCOER's. His reasoning was he wanted to make sure that NCO's reporting to his unit have all their NCOER's in their records with no gaps in rating period, etc. This just does not sit well with me. My question is do I have to give him my last NCOERs... Read the Answer»

Can I be counseled using email?

Can I be counseled by email?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Reviewer require a Rater and/or Senior to make changes to an evaluation report?

Can a Reviewer make the Rater and Senior Rater change a bullet remark? Also, can the Reviewer make the Rater put the rated NCO's PT Score as a bullet for a Success? I have been told before that the Reviewer cannot make the Rater do changes. .. Read the Answer»

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Military Personnel Section Customer Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Adverse Actions (Unfavorable Information Files (UIFS)); Assignments/Out-Processing; Automated Records Management System (ARMS); Awards And Decorations; Base In-Processing; Base Level Service Delivery Model (BLSDM); Basic Allowance For Subsistence/Essential Station Messing (BAS/ESM); Career Status …Read More

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Must I include DUI on a Soldier’s NCOER?

Should I mention a DUI offense on my Soldier's NCOER?.. Read the Answer»

Can my rater make me write my own evaluation report?

Should I have to write my own evaluation report?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Will it hurt my career if I am unable to sign my NCOER?

How important it is to sign my NCOER? My CAC card is not working and there is no way I can replace it for another 15 days. My rater wants to write "Soldier not present to sign." I keep hearing that this could affect my career later on, though my rater said is not really a big deal. Should I let them submit unsigned or should I tell them that I want to wait until I am able to sign?.. Read the Answer»

What regulation states a 1SG must rate the supply sergeant?

CSM, my 1SG just told me that there is a regulation that states that 1SGs always rate supply NCOs. I have searched but cannot find any regulation that supports this. Is there really a reg that says so and if so where can I find it?.. Read the Answer»

Can I change Concur to Nonconcur after I sign my NCOER?

I signed my NCOER and checked Concur. Now I want to change that response to Nonconcur. Is this possible?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be rated by people who are not in my official rating chain?

I received an NCOER and the raters were individuals that were never in my rating chain. I have spent 21 years in the USAR and all my reports have bordered on excellence except for this one. I had a negative personal history with both of my chosen raters. Again, these raters were never assigned to be my raters. I had left the unit and the report was extremely late. They said that my (real) raters had also left the unit. I am very upset and don't know what to do at this point. Your assistance will be much appreciated. The report has still not hit the system as of yet and I am refusing to sign it based on the fact that the rater and senior raters were never my official raters... Read the Answer»

What is the duty description for a First Sergeant (1SG)?

What is a first sergeant role and duty description for ARNG soldiers?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Squad Leader rate another Squad Leader?

I am an E-5(P) assigned as a squad leader. Is it proper for another squad leader who is an E-6 to rate me?.. Read the Answer»