Tag Counseling | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Counseling

Must a Soldier be counseled before separation?

How many counseling statements are required before a Soldier can be separated from the Army?.. Read the Answer»

360-degree Army Performance Counseling

Have you ever sat down to write a performance counseling (monthly or quarterly) only to discover that you could not remember the specifics of an important event? Maybe your Soldier did something praise-worthy or perhaps there was a minor infraction …Read More

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Do monthly counseling statments have any impact in the civilian world?

My squad leader writes really weird stuff on my monthly counseling. The guy just doesn't get it. I don't think these have any impact in the civilian world and I don't plan on staying in the Army. Can I just refuse to sign or write some dumb comments to get a rise out of him?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Army counseling techniques

Counseling techniques are methods that leaders can use to achieve a desire impact on the soldier.  ATP 6-22.1 provides the following information.

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Can email be used to document counselings?

My rater is trying to use emails to document counseling. Is this acceptable for NCOER counselings?.. Read the Answer»

Fully eligible for promotion but unit won’t send me to the board

I transferred to my current unit in Sep of this year. I took my PT test and I was flagged for AFPT failure and being overweight. Later, I passed my AFPT and made weight. The flag was lifted. Since then, I have not been counseled for promotion or sent to the board. Every time I ask, I get the answer "we will look at it next month." I meet the time grade (over 4 years) and time in service (14 years) requirements and have completed WLC. What course of action do I have? I have not been counseled for promotion from any level of my chain of command. If I go to my first line, he just brushes it off and never follows up with it. My 1SG has never had a good thing to say about my mos (I am a 13F). What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

When do I destroy a DA Form 4856?

DA Form 4856 says at the bottom, to destroy this form upon re-assignment... Are there any exceptions to this? We have been told that we can keep them for up to a year after the soldier leaves, because we are a school. Can you shed some light on this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I counsel a Soldier for a physical security violation?

I have an E-6 who committed a serious physical security violation. It was an honest mistake but I need to use this as an example to the other NCOs so they understand security violations are significant. He has a slight attitude about the whole situation. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Can an E-4 squad leader counsel other E-4s in his squad?

I am currently an E-4 non-promotable in a squad leader position. I will be going to the board within the next 2 weeks and picking up my (P). For the time being, I was wondering about the rules that might cause me any grief or problems with writing End of Month, negative, or any other type of counselings for the members of my squad. Any input I can get on this would be a great help... Read the Answer»

How do I counsel a sleeping sentry?

I have a Soldier who was found asleep on gate guard on a night fire range. Should I counsel him under article 92 or is there something else this would fall under?.. Read the Answer»

Can my rater falsify counseling dates on my NCOER?

My rater called me in to sign my NCOER. It contained counseling dates that never happened. He presented me with counseling statements that were back dated to match the NCOER. What does my signature on the NCOER mean? Is this legal? Can he force me to sign?.. Read the Answer»

How often should I conduct performance counseling?

I have been told different things by different people. What does Army regulation say about when we have to conduct performance counseling? Quarterly? Monthly? I'm lost... Read the Answer»