Tag Counseling | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Counseling

Who should counsel an E-5 in a squad with more than one NCO?

I am in a squad that has more than one NCO. My section sergeant has directed that I counsel an E-5. Should I do this or should the Squad Leader?.. Read the Answer»

Can they toss me from Warrior Leader Course (WLC)?

I am in WLC. I made a stupid comment and got a verbal counseling. Several days later, I said something else that was stupid and got a formal counseling for it. Now they want to toss me from the course. The rule is: 2 documented negative counselings are grounds for removal. Is this legal and what should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be counseled for not answering my phone when my squad leader calls?

I was out fishing in the evening (after duty hours) and my squad leader tried to call me. I did not hear my phone ring and did not know that he had called until about an hour later when I happened to pick up my phone to call my wife. I returned the squad leader's call ASAP. Now my squad leader has written me a derogatory counseling statement for "ignoring him." This doesn't seem fair to me... Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Can I counsel a Soldier for fasting?

Should I counsel a Soldier for fasting? If so, how would I write it? I am afraid this is a health risk that will have a negative impact on readiness... Read the Answer»

Can an NCO who is not my Squad Leader give me a counseling statement?

I am an E-4. Another NCO who is not in my NCO support channel gave me a negative counseling statement. Can he do that?.. Read the Answer»

What regulation requires Soldiers E-4 and below to be counseled monthly?

Hey TOP, I am currently involved in a professional discussion with an LT. He says there is no requirement to conduct monthly counseling. I say there is. Who is right?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Should the BN XO counsel the CSM for not taking his PT test?

Is it within the BN XO's duties and responsibilities to counsel the BN CSM for performance and when he is expected to take the APFT?.. Read the Answer»

Do you have a counseling statement example for unit recalls?

What should a counseling statement look like for a unit recall?.. Read the Answer»

Can I change Agree to Disagree on a counseling statement?

Got a counseling statement. I checked the agree box, but now want to change my mind. Can I do this?.. Read the Answer»

What goes in the Plan of Action block when a Soldier Fails to Report?

I have a Soldier who I counseled for being late but I always have problem with the plan of action and the leaders responsibility block. Do you have any ideas?.. Read the Answer»

What can I do with a Soldier who refuses to finish her medication?

I have a Soldier who was prescribed antibiotics but quit taking them prior to finishing. Can I order her not to consume alcoholic beverages for the remainder of our AT?.. Read the Answer»

My Soldier lied to me and then failed to complete corrective training. What now?

My Soldier lied to me and I wrote him up for it. The corrective training was for that Soldier to write a 1,000 word essay. He didn't complete the essay. What do i do next? Where do I go from here?.. Read the Answer»