Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can my command stop me from going to appointments during duty hours?

Is there a regulation on Soldier appointments? When can someone tell you that you cannot go to a court date or to your wife's OB/GYN appointment? Can you be told that the number of appointments cannot exceed so many a month? Can they tell me when to schedule appointments?.. Read the Answer»

Should the BN XO counsel the CSM for not taking his PT test?

Is it within the BN XO's duties and responsibilities to counsel the BN CSM for performance and when he is expected to take the APFT?.. Read the Answer»

Can I change Concur to Nonconcur after I sign my NCOER?

I signed my NCOER and checked Concur. Now I want to change that response to Nonconcur. Is this possible?.. Read the Answer»

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Can a Solider decline to do push-ups for Corrective Training?

I was told this is in Army regulation: When you ask a Soldier to perform push-ups as corrective training, he has the right to ask you to perform it with them. If you decline, they do not have to perform the order... Is this correct?.. Read the Answer»

When do Field Artillery units switch to direct fire?

I'm in Marine Artillery, and we field the M777 Howitzer. One of the sights we have, the elbow sight, is made for direct fire. In addition, each gun crew carries 2 AT4s and a 240B. My questions are: if my battery was engaged where we would need to use them, at what range would we switch from indirect to direct fire, and what could we really expect to fight off with that, rather than falling back? .. Read the Answer»

Do I have to be in ACUs to conduct Corrective Training?

My platoon sergeant walked through the Soldiers barracks and called me to come conduct corrective (PT) training after we were off duty. Do I have to be in ACU to do this? Does the Soldier?.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

How long does an NCO have to implement Corrective Training?

How long does a NCO have to give a Soilder corrective training?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be rated by people who are not in my official rating chain?

I received an NCOER and the raters were individuals that were never in my rating chain. I have spent 21 years in the USAR and all my reports have bordered on excellence except for this one. I had a negative personal history with both of my chosen raters. Again, these raters were never assigned to be my raters. I had left the unit and the report was extremely late. They said that my (real) raters had also left the unit. I am very upset and don't know what to do at this point. Your assistance will be much appreciated. The report has still not hit the system as of yet and I am refusing to sign it based on the fact that the rater and senior raters were never my official raters... Read the Answer»

What is the duty description for a First Sergeant (1SG)?

What is a first sergeant role and duty description for ARNG soldiers?.. Read the Answer»

Can Article 15 punishments be influenced by previously resolved issues?

I was recently given an article 15. During the reading they kept bringing up a topic that is related but I have already been counseled for. I have completed corrective training for that issue. Regardless, It was the main factor that contributed to their decision about how to punish me under UCMJ. Is it legal for them to do this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I help a Soldier who is distracted by responsibilities at home?

I have a Soldier who is a distraction to the platoon because he is constantly away from work for appointments. His wife is in a wheelchair and can't take care of their child. What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Are sunglasses authorized for wear with the ACU?

Are you authorized to wear non-prescription sun glasses with your Army Combat Uniform while on military duty?.. Read the Answer»