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Can a Soldier perform PCMS on a vehicle without a license?

To conduct PMCS and fill out a DA Form 2404, must a soldier be licensed on that piece of equipment/vehicle? I've scanned DA PAM 750-8 and TM XX-10's and have been unable to find a clear answer. I'm unsure if maybe I overlooked it, or if I am looking in the wrong place. I have been tasked with ensuring our 5 assigned vehicles get PMCS done, but none of my Soldiers are licensed on any of the 4 different vehicles... Read the Answer»

My Soldier lied to me and then failed to complete corrective training. What now?

My Soldier lied to me and I wrote him up for it. The corrective training was for that Soldier to write a 1,000 word essay. He didn't complete the essay. What do i do next? Where do I go from here?.. Read the Answer»

Our squad leader lied and forged our signatures. What do we do?

We were given equipment when our unit was prepared to deploy. No one signed for it. Months later we were brought in to sign for equipment and found hand receipts with our forged signatures on it. Our squad leader (who was in charge of the equipment and who had originally given it to us) held up the hand receipts and said, "this is your name and you signed for it." Later, he tried to force some of us to make false sworn statements about the matter. Now our platoon sergeant is ticked at all of us and wants to "fry" us for lying but we are telling the truth! What should we do?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Can I be punished under the UCMJ for dating a girl who is engaged to another Soldier?

I met a girl who turned out to be engaged to a Marine. We fell in love and she left him for me. However, I know he has access to proof that we were having a relationship prior to them breaking up. Should I be worried about the UCMJ or any repercussions?.. Read the Answer»

Can I administer a “for record” APFT while deployed? (UPDATED)

Does a PT Test administered during deployment count as a record pt test or is it only a diagnostic?.. Read the Answer»

When do temporary medical profiles expire if they are not dated?

I have Soldier who went to the doc and got a temp profile but it does not have an expiration date on it. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Are resolved counselings still valid?

I was counseled for a minor reoccurring problem about two months ago. I fixed the issue and my squad leader updated my counseling statement with an assessment that said the problem had been resolved to her satisfaction. I'm now facing an unrelated problem and my chain of command is trying to use that resolved counseling statement against me. Can they do that?.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command force me to change my recommendation?

A Squad Leader is being "strongly encouraged" (nearly forced) by 1SG and CSM to change critical comments in a subordinate's performance evaluation form (NGB 4101-1-R) and pad the points so they seem more favorable towards the subordinate Soldier. SL does not agree with changing any comments or points. What does the SL do?.. Read the Answer»

How do I tell my side of the story on a counseling statement?

I am in E-5 in the Army National Guard. I recently received a counseling statement that I have not signed because I believe it does not sufficiently explain the incident. Some of the information is incorrect as well and I have documentation to support my claim of inaccuracies. Should I sign the counseling statement? How can I tell my side of the issue? .. Read the Answer»

What are the time limitations for the completion of counseling?

What are the time limitations for the completion of counseling?.. Read the Answer»

Can one negative counseling stop me from being promoted?

I am in the secondary zone for promotion to E-6 and got a negative counseling statement. My supervisor now states he will not send me to the promotion board. Can he really do this?.. Read the Answer»

Will my Army unit accept a civilian medical profile?

I have a profile from a civilian doctor I got while I was on leave but my unit won't accept it. What's up with that?.. Read the Answer»