Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can my rater falsify counseling dates on my NCOER?

My rater called me in to sign my NCOER. It contained counseling dates that never happened. He presented me with counseling statements that were back dated to match the NCOER. What does my signature on the NCOER mean? Is this legal? Can he force me to sign?.. Read the Answer»

NCO Business and Officer Business v. Leader Business

Have you ever heard an NCO or officer make the statement “That’s NCO business”? What exactly does that mean? NCOs and officers have their own respective areas of authority. This article is about the difference between NCO business, officer business, …Read More

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Memorial Day update

Hello friends! In case you haven’t checked out a calendar lately, Summer is charging towards us with reckless abandon. We are all chomping at the bit to get home and relax, but this isn’t just any Friday. As you run off …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

How often should I conduct performance counseling?

I have been told different things by different people. What does Army regulation say about when we have to conduct performance counseling? Quarterly? Monthly? I'm lost... Read the Answer»

Do I have to counsel when a Soldier declines promotion?

One of my Soldiers just declined promotion. I don't know how to handle this. Do I have to counsel him?.. Read the Answer»

Can my old unit forward counselings to my new unit?

Can my old unit forward counselings to my new unit?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Do NCOs deserve more pay?

The argument is as old as the service itself. NCOs are requesting their pay be raised to a rate comparable to officers. There are several factors to weigh when considering this issue: responsibilities, experience, and education just to name a …Read More

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It’s a very Mackie Monday

I was greeted by a polite nudge from Mackie this morning when I fired up my computer. Due to an oversight on my part, some excellent Q&A posts sat in the editing queue half of last week and this past weekend. …Read More

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Full steam ahead!

I am happy to announce that the team has returned to our office. Power was restored here Tuesday afternoon and we have been playing the catch-up game ever since. We look forward to resuming normal operations. The new promotions system …Read More

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What reg covers profiles?

Can you tell me what regulation covers physical profiles?.. Read the Answer»

How to make a sexual harassment complaint in the Army

Recently we received a request regarding a case of alleged sexual harassment. The Soldier wanted to know what was the best way to report the issue. Unfortunately there is no cut and dry, right or wrong approach. Each issue is a little …Read More

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Can NCOs conduct corrective training without a DA Form 4856?

Can NCOs conduct corrective training without a DA Form 4856? It seems to me that they should have to document the problem with counseling... Read the Answer»