Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can my leader recommend an Article 15 because he did not like the essay I turned in for corrective training?

The requirements for Corrective Training are outlined in:AR 600-20, AR 27-10, FM 27-1, and FM 7-22.7. Doctrine Tells us Corrective Training must not be used as punishment or appear to be punishment must relate directly to the observed deficiency

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What can I do if my leader used corrective training in an abusive or punishing manner?

CSM, here is the deal. One of my Soldiers is deployed. She told me that she was given a counseling statement because she violated a direct order of not wearing her full PPE while she worked at her post. However neither she or her NCOIC knew that she had to wear such gear. A leader comes by one day after 5 months and spotted her without any PPE. He gave her corrective training, in which the she has to stand in full battle rattle at the entrance to the BN TOC for an hour after shift, making it noticeable to all the Soldiers that she is being corrected. Is this appropriate use of Corrective Training? What can she do about it?.. Read the Answer»

My Chain of Command is Out to Get Me!

I frequently hear from Soldiers who believe their Chain of Command is out to get them, either through use of an Article 15 or separation from service.  While these events can and occasionally do occur, it is my professional opinion …Read More

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Can I choose to reenlist, then refuse reenlistment and ETS?

Before reenlistment your are discharged. So what if you received your discharge and just decided you are not going to reenlist? Could you just be done with your service and go home?.. Read the Answer»

What is the minimum space I am authorized in the barracks?

Top what regulation covers the minimum space requirements for Soldiers living in the Barrack? Is there anything about the furniture that we are suppose to have. It is totally unsat and they are including our bathroom in our square footage is that right?.. Read the Answer»

How can I convince a Soldier it is in his best interest to go to the promotion board?

I am having trouble with motivating a soldier to be proactive in his career. He has four years of service and four more to go. He refuses to do any form of career progression such as SSD, and this has resulted in our 1SGT questioning my ability to lead. This Soldier will perform daily tasks without issue but I cannot give him any more responsibility because it seems as though he is satisfied with being a Specialist with no resident training. He is a good person, and I want to see him better himself. is there any advice you can give me to how I can help re-motivate this soldier without ordering him to do online classes and writing event oriented counselings when he doesn't complete the classes? .. Read the Answer»

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Is there a waiting period to administer an APFT at high altitude?

Is there an Army standard for allowing Soldiers to acclimate before taking an APFT at high altitude?.. Read the Answer»

I had a leader blow up on me and refuse to sign a counseling statement- How should I handle this?

one of my New NCOS had a blowout with me, when I gave him a counseling for missing our unit FRG meeting. He refused to sign the counseling and told me that the Commander couldn't make FRG meetings mandatory for anybody. He expressed to me, he wouldn't sign any counseling, NCOER checklist, and NCOER coming from me. As his rater, how can I approach this situation... Read the Answer»

What format is used when listing the 3 future positions on the NCOER?

In Part Vb. of the 2166-8 I cannot find anywhere where it states if the 3 future positions need to be capitalized or not capitalized. I was just wondering if either way was wrong or right. I checked AR 623-3, DA PAM 623-3, and USAREC PAM 623-2. Thanks in advance for your response... Read the Answer»

I came up positive on a UA but it was not intentional- what are my options?

I have a scenario a senior leader comes up Positive on a UA, however the medication the leader took was in a mislabeled bottle and the leader did not know they were taking prescribed medication inappropriately. What can this person expect from their CoC; .. Read the Answer»

I came up positive on a UA but it was a false positive what happens next?

This is a sticky situation and will basically come down to the Soldier’s integrity/credibility with the chain of command and how flexible the chain of command is in these situations.  Keep in mind most Soldiers in this situation will state …Read More

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Are Senior Raters required to counsel NCO’s on their NCOER?

Am I required to counsel NCOs if I'm their Senior Rater on their NCOER?.. Read the Answer»