Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Why should I give automatically promoted NCOs respect?

I'm an NCO and have two Soldiers in my squad that are new NCOs. They were just automatically picked up to SGT by DA. I had to work for my rank and they got theirs automatically. I've tried looking at AR 600-8-17, section V, para. 3-17, but couldn't find anything about this. How am I supposed to treat these Soldiers as equals when I don't feel they are? How am I supposed to demand other Soldiers give them respect when they've been to the board and are just waiting on points? How can this (Auto E5) happen? How do I make it fair to myself and my Soldiers?.. Read the Answer»

The Unintended Consequences of Social Media, Career Ender

Fox News recently released an article about social media and the Army. See Full Article Here. It’s a Long Weekend at Fort Anyplace You and a few friends decide to get together and kick back, enjoy the PlayStation and the …Read More

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I was wounded during a combat action and my chain of command has not recommended me for a Purple Heart- What can I do about it?

Several months ago I was involved in a combat action that resulted in our vehicle being hit. We had two KIA, 3 shrapnel and everyone in the vehicle suffered a MTBI none of my leadership has put me in for a Purple Heart. What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Should the DA FORM 4856 be used when counseling Officers?

Do Officers use DA Form 4856 for corrective counseling to their subordinate Officers?.. Read the Answer»

Senate passes bill allowing VA to disinter criminals

The Senate passed a bill Monday that would allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to unbury military service members in national cemeteries if they committed a capital crime. Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.) introduced the Alicia Dawn Koehl Respect for National …Read More

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Can my unit deny any leave outside of block leave?

I haven't taken leave at all for over a year. I was planning on taking leave outside of block leave dates. Can they stop me from submitting my leave? .. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

If I have a medical reason not to be enrolled in the overweight wieght program should I still be flagged?

I have a medical condition that causes me to gain weight. I have to take injections daily. I am a PT stud and everything else in my record is sterling. Since I have a proflie I am not enrolled in the overweight program but I am flagged. I can't get promoted or get awards. Is it legal to flag me when it is not my fault?.. Read the Answer»

Why is first formation important?

Why is it important to have first call formation?.. Read the Answer»

Where can I find Preventitive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) cards for the M40 protective mask?

I'm having trouble finding PMCS cards for my M40 protective masks. Does the card come with the Technical Manual (TM) when I order new ones?.. Read the Answer»

If a Soldier fails to complete TG 358 and Army Move!23 Questionnaire are they considered an ABCP program failure?

AR 600-9 states that Soldiers that fail the (ABCP) must read USAPHC TG 358 and complete Army Move!23 questionnaire So can the Soldier be considered an ABCP program failure if they faile to meet the requirements above? If they are not a failure what actions can be taken to correct this issue? .. Read the Answer»

Wher can I find map overlay symbols in PowerPoint?

I need some military map symbols in PowerPoint format?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be denied medical care by my Chain of Command?

Top here's the scoop: I am currently undergoing medical treatment which requires me to have more than 3 appts a week. I have a dead man profile as well as a temporary exception to policy for ht/wt. Here's my question: Can my Command force me to cancel appts, and can they reprimand me if I refuse?.. Read the Answer»