Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can an Article 15 proceeding be conducted in front of a formation?

Having a dispute with higher NCOs, can a Article 15 be presented to the SM during a company formation in front of the SM's peers? Is there regulations that protects the SM? I believe this is wrong to do and two, something like this needs to be done behind closed doors with the SM's squad/platoon leaders and/or 1SG/CO... Read the Answer»

Can I be forced to take the APFT while in the IDES (formally MEB) process?

I'm currently in the IDES (formerly MEB) process, waiting on my percentages. I have a Leader who is intent on making me take an APFT, however, according to my profile I can only take the swim event according to my P3. Can I take a record with only one event? I'm not even supposed to do the swim, it was an error on the clinic's part but I never questioned it because I was told we don't have the facilities to do the swim... Read the Answer»

Can my Commander choose to keep me on the Promotion List if I am in the Overweight Program?

I failed tape and asked the Commander for a retape that was declined. I got off the ABCP three weeks later having met tape. 6 months later, I am told that the flag was never put through and I was counseled by my 1SG for removal from the promotion list. I read that is is waiverable by the commander and discussed it with my CO and he chose to still removed me from the promotion list. Is this a legal move? What are the recourses for this action? I am following up with legal but I reach RCP in 6 months and have training (ALC) in between allowing me to only go to one board before the training and have only one chance after the training to get my (P) back before I RCP... Read the Answer»

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I can’t find my DA FORM 348. What can I do?

Top... Im in a unit that dosent have my DA348... it has been some time since i have actually need my DA 348. Now that i need it where on gods great earth can i find it.. Read the Answer»

Can I appeal a Bar to Reenlistment?

I am going to be receiving a Bar to Reenlistment. Can I appeal this action?.. Read the Answer»

Do I deserve a Driver’s Badge?

I have been in my unit for over a year with no accidents or traffic violations. I asked my leaders every few weeks if they could submit me for a Driver's Badge. I should have received it a long time ago. When I go to the person responsible for the Driver's Badge submission he states that I got pulled over on post for speeding. I did not get a ticket and no fine was paid, This incident occurred outside of the award period. I have already looked up the regulation on the requirements for this badge (AR 600-8-22 para 8-28). There is also and ALARACT that states pretty much the same as the Regulation. What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

AIT Soldier is Ordered by Platoon Sergeant not to get into a Car with Father (an Officer), because it is Fraternization!

Research on the Subject I have reviewed everything I can find with regard to fraternization with regard to Army Regulations, TRADOC Regulations, the Manual for Courts-Martial, and various policy letters.  I have attached the extracts of these documents to the …Read More

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I got a DUI but was never convicted. I am pending a GOMAR and trying to REUP…Can I fight this?

I am a SSG with 8 years TIS. I was charged with a DUI but was never convicted, all charges were dismissed. Reenlistment is coming up and I am flagged.My command is planning a GOMAR. Can i fight this based on the fact I wasn't ever found guilty DUI? Can JAG help me? .. Read the Answer»

Where can I find information to help me set up my Unit HAZMAT SOP and program?

I was recently put in charge of HAZMAT for my unit. I need a resource on what to put in my SOP. Do you know where to find such information?.. Read the Answer»

If a Soldier is under investigation and is flagged can they PCS?

Can a Soldier PCS if under investigation?.. Read the Answer»

If a “FOR RECORD APFT TEST” is terminated before all events are completed how much time must elaspse before a Commander can make the Soldier take another “FOR RECORD APFT?”

Can a Commander have the unit start a FOR RECORD APFT and then stop the APFT for some reason and then require the unit to take the APFT again at a later date?.. Read the Answer»

Is okay for Soldiers to march in civilian clothing during PT?

Can soldiers march in civilian clothes during PT time?.. Read the Answer»