Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can my chain of command take my civilan goods out of my barracks room as a form of punishment/ or corrective training?

Can my chain of command take my civilan goods out of my barracks room as a form of punishment?.. Read the Answer»

Can an officer order you to make coffee or go get his food?

Can an officer order you to make coffee or go get his food?.. Read the Answer»

Is it illegal to hang a confederate flag on your wall?

Is it against army regulations to hang a confederate flag on your wall/ or dresser, if so what reg covers this?.. Read the Answer»

Army Uniform Tool
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

I am on leave but plan to go camping and will not be readily availalbe by phone…can I get in trouble if I don’t answer my phone if the chain of command calls?

How "available" do I have to be while I'm on leave? If I'm staying in the local area for the duration of my leave, but I decide to go camping where I can't readily answer my phone for a few days, can I get in trouble for not answering when my chain of command calls?.. Read the Answer»

I self enrolled in the Army Substance Abuse Program and came up hot on a urine analysis will I be protected under the limited use policy?

I am currently an active duty Soldier in the Army, I pissed hot for a rehabilitation drug test given to me and other Soldiers who are enrolled in ASAP. The test was after I self enrolled but before I started any sort of therapy. Will I be protected under the limited use policy since I self enrolled? If I get separated from the Army for this, will it be an honorable?.. Read the Answer»

I have a Leader that was suspended from his duties for domestic violence, upon investigation it was unsbustantiated, now he is receiving a Relief For Cause NCOER, Is this legal?

I have an NCO who was a drill sergeant and then removed from the trail for a domestic dispute that upon investigation was unsubstantiated and now the NCO is getting a relief for cause NCOER with no UCMJ actions and no flags pending, and no counseling for why he is receiving a relief for cause. Can this be done?.. Read the Answer»

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

My chain of command removed my promotable status because I took my APFT test while on profile. Can I get my promotable status back?

A Soldier recently PCS to our unit. She lost her promotable status because she took her APFT test while on profile in her last unit but had permission to do so from her previous chain of command. and doctor. Can she get her promotable status back?.. Read the Answer»

I am recently promoted and PCS in a week. I have confimred my PPW if I don’t make points this month will my points be automatcially submitted or does my new unit have to submit them?

Just got promotable status today, and PCS'ing in a week. I will be able to pick up my proceedings tomorrow. My S1 and I already confirmed my PPW. If I do not make points for the following month. Will my points be automatically submitted? or will my gaining unit have to re-submit them?.. Read the Answer»

Is it standard policy for an NCO to prepare/write his/her own NCOER?

Is it standard policy for an NCO to prepare/write his/her own NCOER?.. Read the Answer»

How can I convert my SAMS-1E(replaced the PLL course) into promotion points since its not on the list of courses worth promotion points?

AR 350-1 para 4-14c 1-17 has the course for Prescribe Load List Clerk course. That's the old course for 92As working at the motor pool and is still valid for promotion points. How can I convert my SAMS-1E(replaced the PLL course) into promotion points since its not on the list of courses worth promotion points?.. Read the Answer»

NCO Found Guilty for Maltreatment of Subordinates

This morning I read an article in the Stars & Stripes that was very disturbing.  An NCO was found guilty of abusing a subordinate.  While I believe most of our leaders are out to do the right thing and grow …Read More

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A National Guard Soldier had decided to take a voluntary reduction in grade to avoid deployment how should I counsel them?

A newly promoted E-5 in the National Guard, has decided to take a voluntary reduction of rank and switch units so he does not have to deploy. How do I write a counseling for this Soldier?.. Read the Answer»