Tag Corrective Training | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Corrective Training

Here is a list of everything we have published about Corrective Training

Is my corrective training too harsh?

I am an NCO. I showed up to work 8 minutes late. This is the first time I have been late. My corrective training is to show up at the company from 1830-2300 and "do what I am told." Isn't this too harsh for a first offense? They put it on a 4856. If it is corrective training, why is it on a 4856? To top if off, the length of my corrective training is undetermined. Is this right?.. Read the Answer»

Can NCOs conduct corrective training without a DA Form 4856?

Can NCOs conduct corrective training without a DA Form 4856? It seems to me that they should have to document the problem with counseling... Read the Answer»

Can I be given corrective training and UCMJ punishment for the same offense?

Can I be ordered to perform corrective training and then be recommended for UCMJ for the same offense? Isn't this double jeopardy?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Who can conduct corrective training?

I need information about who can conduct corrective training. Where does this authority come from?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be punished for not standing during the National Anthem?

My commander is considering corrective training against me because I did not stand during the National Anthem while off-duty at a ball game. How can he do this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I write a Plan of Action for a counseling statement?

I am writing a counseling and want to make sure I have a good plan of action. Do you have any guidance on how to develop a POA?.. Read the Answer»

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

How do I handle a Soldier who lies?

I have a Soldier who lied to me about an issue on two separate occasions. It is not a misunderstanding. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Why am I still flagged?

I was flagged for drinking underage about two months ago. I was instructed to perform corrective training. I completed the training shortly thereafter. I just signed up for college and was told I do not qualify for tuition assistance because I am still flagged. Why am I still flagged? How do I get this flag lifted? .. Read the Answer»

How do I make sure my Soldiers remember to refuel their vehicles?

One of my Soldiers forgot to top off a vehicle before an exercise. We were about halfway through the exercise when we ran out of gas. Trying to think of some good corrective training. Any ideas?.. Read the Answer»