Tag Corrective Training | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Corrective Training

Here is a list of everything we have published about Corrective Training

Corrective Training Article 2- Rules for Administering Corrective Training

Are There Any Rules for Administering Corrective Training? The corrective training must be directly related to the deficiency. The corrective training must be oriented to improve the Soldier’s substandard performance. The corrective training may take place during normal duty hours …Read More

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Corrective Training Article 1- What is Corrective Training?

Introduction We have numerous tools at our disposal to correct substandard performance. Soldiers who are immature, lack discipline, or simply fail to follow instructions need your help. Two methods are explained in this chapter; Corrective Training and Revocation of Privileges. …Read More

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Can I reduce a new Soldier for inefficiency?

A Soldier recently joined the unit a couple of months ago. In that brief time, she has managed to mess up or break just about everything she has touched. We've implemented corrective training again and again. Unfortunately it appears that she is flatly unable to perform her job. How do I go about reducing this Soldier for inefficiency?.. Read the Answer»

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Using corrective training to motivate substandard performers

Corrective training is a fantastic, yet underutilized, tool for growing your subordinates. Simply put, it is a method to correct a performance deficiency.

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Can I received corrective training for writing a rebuttal to a counseling statement?

I wrote a rebuttal to a counseling and now have to write a paper on my rebuttal, can my leader do this?.. Read the Answer»

Do flags under AR 600-8-2 block Soldiers from taking a Training Holiday?

Can a Soldier who is flagged be allowed to work on Training Holidays? Is this considered a favorable action that can be withdrawn with the initiation of the Flag?.. Read the Answer»

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I was late for duty but no one ever told me I had CQ. Don’t my leaders have to inform me I have duty?

I was late to Staff duty and got counseled and had to pull 2 shifts of CQ on the weekend. Here is the background. I was on Staff Duty when the new roster came out and then went on leave so I never knew I had duty. No one in my leadership informed until I was several hours late. Can they give me corrective training and counsel me? .. Read the Answer»

NCO Found Guilty for Maltreatment of Subordinates

This morning I read an article in the Stars & Stripes that was very disturbing.  An NCO was found guilty of abusing a subordinate.  While I believe most of our leaders are out to do the right thing and grow …Read More

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Can Physical Fitness Exercise be use as Corrective Training?

Yes it can be used as corrective training if the rules are followed In your example this is not  the proper application or execution of using Physical Training as Corrective Training. AR 600-20 and FM 7-22 contact information on using …Read More

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Can my leader recommend an Article 15 because he did not like the essay I turned in for corrective training?

The requirements for Corrective Training are outlined in:AR 600-20, AR 27-10, FM 27-1, and FM 7-22.7. Doctrine Tells us Corrective Training must not be used as punishment or appear to be punishment must relate directly to the observed deficiency

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What can I do if my leader used corrective training in an abusive or punishing manner?

CSM, here is the deal. One of my Soldiers is deployed. She told me that she was given a counseling statement because she violated a direct order of not wearing her full PPE while she worked at her post. However neither she or her NCOIC knew that she had to wear such gear. A leader comes by one day after 5 months and spotted her without any PPE. He gave her corrective training, in which the she has to stand in full battle rattle at the entrance to the BN TOC for an hour after shift, making it noticeable to all the Soldiers that she is being corrected. Is this appropriate use of Corrective Training? What can she do about it?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be put on remedial PT for failing a diagnostic APFT? If so, please explain.

I failed a diagnostic APFT and was put on remedial PT. When can I be removed form Remedial PT? What Regulation covers Remedial PT?.. Read the Answer»