Tag Leadership | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Leadership

Developmental Counseling and the Counsleing Process Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that discusses the developmental counseling process. Slides include: developmental counseling form, leader responsibilities, leader counseling skills, types of developmental counseling, and conducting the counseling session. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Developing Subordinates Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches how to develop subordinates according to the dimensions that define effective leadership. It is designed to help improve skills for using the observe, assess, coach, counsel model, Inspire ourselves to become committed to leader development. NOTE: This …Read More

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Army Leadership Class/Briefing

Class/briefing includes information: Definition, levels of leadership, Leaders must, Leader be, value review, leadership individual, leadership organizational, leadership strategic, Leaders must do, human dimensions, leadership stress, leadership styles and consequences, leadership styles. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Army Leadership Counseling Class/Briefing

A class/briefing that covers counseling and gives the four steps of counseling and stresses the importance of counseling everyone. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Adaptive Mangement Class/Briefing

An in depth class/briefing that cover management and information that can be used to improve your ability to lead and manage. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Who do I go to when my NCO threatens me?

I have a complaint about my immediate supervisor. When I tried to resolve the complaint with that supervisor, I was met with resistance. I used my command's open door policy and now that NCO I had an issue with is calling me cussing me and threatening disciplinary counseling. What do I do now?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Can my chain of command tell me which CSIB to wear?

My Brigade CSM put out that Soldiers are not authorized to wear any other combat patch except that of my current unit. AR 670-1 says that the Soldier may choose which combat patch to wear. My 1SG told me that there is a way for the CSM to enforce his order, kind of like an exception to policy. My question is, can the CSM enforce that order or does AR 670-1 over-rule him? Thank you... Read the Answer»

Primay Development Leadership Student SOP

This is a Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) Student SOP. The purpose is to establish policy and procedures for soldiers selected to attend the United States Army Noncommissioned Officer Academy. Also to provide a single source document to assist soldiers …Read More

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Can I recommend a Soldier for an Article 15 for jumping the chain of command?

I was informed by my senior NCOs that my Soldier can be punished under UCMJ for jumping chain of command/not properly using chain of command. Is this true? I have been researching and can not find specific information to support this... Read the Answer»

Who should counsel an E-5 in a squad with more than one NCO?

I am in a squad that has more than one NCO. My section sergeant has directed that I counsel an E-5. Should I do this or should the Squad Leader?.. Read the Answer»

How can a Soldier transfer to another unit?

My husband and I moved to a new duty station a few months ago, but the communications skills are horrible, nothing gets taken care of, and he didn't even have enough time to in-process. My husband is miserable. It is getting worse by the day and I'm worried about him getting depressed and in trouble. Is there any way to file for a reassignment to a different unit?.. Read the Answer»

How do I help a Soldier who just does not “get it” and cannot follow orders?

I have a Soldier who is quite frankly, a complete idiot. I know that may be harsh, but I have no other way to put it. Maybe "special' is more politically correct. However, this Soldier simply can't follow instruction, has no sense, and in general just does unbelievable things. I have done my best to address this. First I addressed his finances, because he has those all messed up. Then his lack of hygiene and cleanliness of his room. He is lost in most things I tell him to do. At 19 years old, he does not appear to have the ability to think for himself. I do my best to be clear with him, but I just don't know how long I can endure him. I honestly don't know how to deal with this guy. It's just one thing after another and counseling doesn't seem to help, formal or not. I don't see how an article will help him. I am tempted to just come down harder and harder, but maybe someone on here has a better option than that... Read the Answer»