Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our answered Army leadership Questions. If you have a question that is not listed, fill in the form to the right and AskTOP!

Can I order my Soldiers to buy a piece of mandatory clothing/equipment before the mandatory possession date?

My NCOs are refusing to buy the new Army Service Uniform making it extremely difficult to fill spots for funeral details and also looks terrible for inspections to have a mixed uniform. I want to counsel them on a NLT date, but can I do this? I feel that since it is an Army uniform, I can dictate which one we as a squad will wear, which means they have to buy it. Is this correct?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier take an APFT while on profile if the profile is less than 90 days?

Can a Soldier take the Army Physical Fitness Test on a less than 90 day profile? What Army Regulation states this?.. Read the Answer»

What is the process to dis-enroll from Married Army Couples Program?

What is the process to dis-enroll from Married Army Couples Program.. Read the Answer»

Army Uniform Tool
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Do I have to ask Soldiers taking the APFT if they feel ill before we start the APFT?

Do I have to ask the Soldiers taking the APFT if they feel well enough to take the test?.. Read the Answer»

What clothing items is the unit required to provide?

I was just issued ASUs but was only given the coat and pants. My command wants the uniform ready to wear in 30 days, but we are expected to purchase everything else on our own as far as the shirt/cover/awards/insignias and tailoring. As an enlisted Soldier, is this a reasonable request? Or is it a demand that I don't have to meet?.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command reconstruct negative counseling statements in an attempt to separate me from the service?

Can I be recounseled if my Platoon Sgt lost my packet and they are now trying to back date negative counselings and develop a separation packet-that they lost. Can they do that?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Do you have examples of how to fill out the DA FORM 2062?

Do you have examples of how to fill out the DA FORM 2062?.. Read the Answer»

How should I respond when a leader wants me to give them copies of past evaluation reports?

I just met my CSM roughly 35 days after reporting to my new unit (and he was in his civilian capacity) he told me he needs to see my last five NCOER's. His reasoning was he wanted to make sure that NCO's reporting to his unit have all their NCOER's in their records with no gaps in rating period, etc. This just does not sit well with me. My question is do I have to give him my last NCOERs... Read the Answer»

Do Soldiers have to be present when the chain of command conducts a Health and Welfare with the MPs?

CSM, I really need some help here. I have seen 3 health and welfare inspection since I was assigned to this base. In each inspection the Soldiers are held in a common area and not allowed to be present when leadership and MPS search the rooms. Is this correct? Don't the Soldier have to be present during the search? .. Read the Answer»

How can I provide OCIE to a civilian employee. Safety Officer needs equipment to do his job?

How can I provide OCIE to a civilian employee. Safety Officer assigned to the BDE Cdr need civilian to be issued with OCIE.. Read the Answer»

How long do I have to practice for an alternate APFT event?

I usually take the swim for my alternate APFT event. I have been reassigned to a new unit and the commander told me I would be taking the bike test. Can he do that? I haven't ridden a bike in years. How long do I have to prepare?.. Read the Answer»

What is the proper protocol to request a letter of recommendation from a General Officer?

What is the proper method to go about requesting a letter for recommendation from a General Officer. I recently won my Divisions' Soldier of the Year Competition. My goal is to become an Officer through the OCS program and I need a letter of recommendation and I would like to ask my Division CG for a recommendation but want to make sure I don't tick anyone off for violating the chain of command or something... Read the Answer»