Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can a Soldier be held past their ETS to process a separation action that does not involve a courts martial?

I have a Soldier facing a chapter under 14-12c. His ETS date is within 1.5 months. There is no way the chapter packet will be completed prior to his ETS. There is nothing related to a court martial involved. The Chain of Command is saying they are going to hold the Soldier past his ETS date. Also can he obtain orders to clear while this is going on. No one in my chain seems to know what to do or where to find the info. He is a good kid and I would like to help him as much as I can. .. Read the Answer»

What action can be taken against a Soldier that almost got a DUI downtown?

Can I take action if a Soldier ALMOST gets a DUI?.. Read the Answer»

Is the counselor required to sign the DA FORM 4856 or can someone else do it?

Does the person who is listed as the Counselor on a DA form 4856 need to sign the form throughout, or can another NCO sign the counseling? I have reviewed several references, but nothing I have found addresses this directly... Read the Answer»

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

What regulation states that the chain of command is not entittled to my personal financial data?

Where is it stated that my chain of command cannot demand my personal bank statements finances, etc. I was told last week that my chain of command is going to start asking for this information and I do not feel comfortable with that. .. Read the Answer»

What does my Reenlistment Code mean?

I have a 9E reup code. What does that mean?.. Read the Answer»

Can awards like the Order of St. Barbara, Samuel Sharpe, Audie Murphy, & SGT Morales be mentioned on your evaluation report?

I was awarded the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara. I was wondering if my rater is allowed to include that achievement on my NCOER. I have heard multiple Senior NCOs, including my current 1SG saying that it can't be included... Read the Answer»

Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Can you tell me what a 9K reup code means?the 9k reup code means?

What does "9k" mean when I look under Section III- Service Data, Reenl Elig/Prohib?.. Read the Answer»

Soldier is on a temporary profile with an alternate event. He was given a “For Record” APFT & passed then he was told the test did not count- Can they do that?

Top I think my leadership is not applying the regulation correctly. I have a Soldier on temporary profile. The Soldier is authorized to take an alternate event for the APFT. He was given a "For Record" APFT after the Soldier passed the test the Soldier was told the Test did not count because he was on a Temporary Profile. Can you shed some light on this...I don't think this is right... Read the Answer»

How do I request a rehabilitative transfer?

After receiving an article 15 i was told by jag that i should be moved to another unit. A rehabilitation move. Is this true and what constitutes that?.. Read the Answer»

My commander has directed we wear all of our awards from our recent deployments- I do not have orders yet for several of the awards, should I still wear them?

My leadership wants me to wear all of our awards we're supposed to get from our deployment. I do not want to wear any of them until I get orders, or its on my ERB. Am I right to only wear what I've technically earned?.. Read the Answer»

Can a profile have two alternate events?

Can you have a permanent profile with 2 alternate events?.. Read the Answer»

A SPC & SSG are involved not married, living overseas, and PCSing to different US locations- What are their options?

A SPC and SSG in the same unit overseas. They are now expecting a baby but are in fear of disclosing their relationship. Both are scheduled to leave their overseas assignment and will be stationed at different units in the states. They are distraught! Mom is getting very depressed and constantly upset. She will not get help out of fear. She wants to stay in. Is there any recourse for mom at all? .. Read the Answer»