Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our answered Army leadership Questions. If you have a question that is not listed, fill in the form to the right and AskTOP!

Where can I find information to help me set up my Unit HAZMAT SOP and program?

I was recently put in charge of HAZMAT for my unit. I need a resource on what to put in my SOP. Do you know where to find such information?.. Read the Answer»

If a Soldier is under investigation and is flagged can they PCS?

Can a Soldier PCS if under investigation?.. Read the Answer»

If a “FOR RECORD APFT TEST” is terminated before all events are completed how much time must elaspse before a Commander can make the Soldier take another “FOR RECORD APFT?”

Can a Commander have the unit start a FOR RECORD APFT and then stop the APFT for some reason and then require the unit to take the APFT again at a later date?.. Read the Answer»

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Is okay for Soldiers to march in civilian clothing during PT?

Can soldiers march in civilian clothes during PT time?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Commander give an unannounced FOR RECORD APFT test?

My Commander is giving unannounced FOR RECORD APFT tests. We just took a FOR RECORD APFT test 2 months ago and he just gave us another one today. He is not announcing the test or giving us any time to prepare. We just show up to PT formation and guess we are taking a For RECORD APFT Test. This cant be legal. Top can a Commander just arbitrarily decide to give a FOR RECORD APFT test with no notice?.. Read the Answer»

Is there a regulation that spells out phone courtesy when speaking to leaders?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Can my commander deny my request for a “FOR RECORD” APFT?

Can a commander deny a Soldier's request to take a "For Record" APFT test?.. Read the Answer»

Where can I find my assigment orders?

I was told I am on assignment Orders. Where can I find them?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be placed on remedial PT if I am borderline overweight?

Hey TOP! Can my platoon sergeant just put me on remedial PT because I was borderline on weight and tape? I passed my record APFT and everything. I'm confused I thought you have to be counseled by the 1st sgt or commander to be put on remedial.. Read the Answer»

I received my 1st Article 15 reading and then my commander lost my packet- Can they redo the packet?

I was read my Article 15 and have already been to TDS. Afterwards my commander lost the original packet? Can they regenerate the packet and make me sign everything over?.. Read the Answer»

Can my leader require me to provide a copy of my LES to them either in person or via email?

My platoon sergeant asked me to send a copy of my LES to her personal email. When I asked her why she said for BAH. Which is odd because I am a reservist so BAH is irrelevant to me. Why am I being asked to do this?.. Read the Answer»

My husband and I are both active duty and we are expecting our 1st child- Should I separate under a Chapter 5-8?

My husband and I are both active duty and expecting our first child. We are considering our options for a Family Care plan and came across Chapter 5-8. Is it plausible for me to be able to get out on a Chapter 5-8 with an Honorable Discharge with us both being Active Duty?.. Read the Answer»