Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can I be a First Sergeant if I have a “WALK” profile?

CSM, can I serve as a First Sergeant (1SG) if I have a Walk profiles?.. Read the Answer»

How do I request a Wavier or Exception to Policy for a Boot that is not currently authorized for wear?

There Are only 12 APPROVED boots that meet AR 670-1 standards. I have a permanent injury, I have to have a very stiff and comfortable boot. I have one I love, been using it for years. It's not leather though. I have tried ALL THE APPROVED BOOTS, none will work for me. What should I do???.. Read the Answer»

If I am a basic trainee or in advanced individual training (AIT) can my Commadner make me give up my car keys?

Can a Commander order me to give up my car keys if I am in basic training or advanced individual training?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Can a Commander take a Soldier’s car keys at Annual Training?

What regulation(s) states that a Commander can take, confiscate, or obligate a Soldier to turn in car keys at Annual Training?.. Read the Answer»

Do flags under AR 600-8-2 block Soldiers from taking a Training Holiday?

Can a Soldier who is flagged be allowed to work on Training Holidays? Is this considered a favorable action that can be withdrawn with the initiation of the Flag?.. Read the Answer»

How do I convince my chain of command to put me in a leadership because I am the senior person, but a junior leaders is in charge?

I outrank 2 Squad Leaders in my platoon. I just got to the Unit and I think I should be in a squad leader position not working for someone I out rank... Read the Answer»

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

I was late for duty but no one ever told me I had CQ. Don’t my leaders have to inform me I have duty?

I was late to Staff duty and got counseled and had to pull 2 shifts of CQ on the weekend. Here is the background. I was on Staff Duty when the new roster came out and then went on leave so I never knew I had duty. No one in my leadership informed until I was several hours late. Can they give me corrective training and counsel me? .. Read the Answer»

Young/Inexperienced Leader fails to report Suicidal Thoughts of a subordinate. What action should I take?

I recently had a Soldier in our squad confide to his Leader, that he was having suicidal thoughts and was writing goodbye letters. The NCO did not take any action except to sit down and talk to the Soldier. The NCO in question did not want to lose the Soldiers trust so he did not tell anyone. Eventually the Soldier received professional assistance. The NCO has potential and I would like to help develop him at the same time as giving him a good wake up call. Do you have any advice or suggestions to help me with this? .. Read the Answer»

How do I document or submit a Soldeir for a MILITARY OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER SERVICE MEDAL?

How do I document my volunteer time... Read the Answer»

How does a deactivation ceremoy work? Who Does What?

Is there a deactivation ceremony for one of our Units. Does the actual unit host the ceremony or does their higher command host it? and what is the guidance on that?.. Read the Answer»

I am a geographical bachelor but my duty station will not allow me to live in the barracks, What can I do?in separate locations,

I am a married Soldier whose spouse/dependents do not reside with me. I am currently stationed at Fort Drum but my spouse and children live in NYC. At my previous duty station geographic bachelor living arrangements were available. At my current station they are only available for SSG and above. I have spoken with the garrison CSM and he stated I must find my own place to live. According to regulations BAH is solely for my dependents and without my BAH I am unable to afford a place to live by myself. What are my options? Is there anyway to change my BAH rate to the NYC rate?.. Read the Answer»

Can courses that do not issue a DA FORM1059 be placed on my Evaluation Report (NCOER)?

Can troop school classes such as Unit Movement Operator Course, Generator Operator Course be placed on the NCOER if a 1059 is not issued?.. Read the Answer»