Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our answered Army leadership Questions. If you have a question that is not listed, fill in the form to the right and AskTOP!

Is it standard policy for an NCO to prepare/write his/her own NCOER?

Is it standard policy for an NCO to prepare/write his/her own NCOER?.. Read the Answer»

How can I convert my SAMS-1E(replaced the PLL course) into promotion points since its not on the list of courses worth promotion points?

AR 350-1 para 4-14c 1-17 has the course for Prescribe Load List Clerk course. That's the old course for 92As working at the motor pool and is still valid for promotion points. How can I convert my SAMS-1E(replaced the PLL course) into promotion points since its not on the list of courses worth promotion points?.. Read the Answer»

A National Guard Soldier had decided to take a voluntary reduction in grade to avoid deployment how should I counsel them?

A newly promoted E-5 in the National Guard, has decided to take a voluntary reduction of rank and switch units so he does not have to deploy. How do I write a counseling for this Soldier?.. Read the Answer»

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Is this illegal for another doctor to change my profile without seeing me?

I have a unique dilemma I need help with. I just had major knee surgery and my doctor stated I will need 6 to 9 months of recovery before I am fully healed. My doctor gave me a profile on 8 January which expires in April. Now I had another doctor from another clinic from another base change my profile without ever evaluating at all. Is this illegal for another doctor to do this and what you suggest I do? I am considering filing an IG complaint against this doctor.. Read the Answer»

Does an Article 15 count as a felony?

Do article 15's count as felonies?.. Read the Answer»

My rater says my APFT is a requirement on my evaluation report…is this true?

TOP I have a hot one for you! Does my APFT score have to be put on the NCOER?.. Read the Answer»

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Who should counsel my Soldier if they are sent to another section?

My Soldier is currently working in another section. Should I still counsel him? Or does that section NCOIC conduct the counseling?.. Read the Answer»

Can A Retired Soldier Give Me An Order?

Can a retired Soldier use his previous rank on active duty Soldiers? I had a retired SFC pull out his retiree ID card and try to order fix my uniform. Can he do that?. .. Read the Answer»

Is there a DA Form 4187 “Threat for Life” that will allow me to PCS quickly to get away from an abusive spouse?

Is there a 4187 that will allow me to move within 90 days, called Threat for Life? Husband and I are active duty and divorcing. He's been extremely violent in the past... Read the Answer»

Can my Chain of Command or Leader force me to do Self Development?

Can a Soldier be forced to do self development by their leadership?.. Read the Answer»

What is the BEST NCO GIFT for Going Aways, Hail and Farewells?

I just recently changed over a change of command. My 1SG was my backbone and made me successful. I am looking for outgoing commander/1SG traditions/gift and I am unsuccessful in finding something that goes inline with some military tradition. I want to do something special and/or traditional... or I'll start one, but looking for something fun/meaningful to show my appreciation that is done from the outgoing Commander to the First Sergeant. Can someone help me out?.. Read the Answer»

Can my previous APFT and Weight Control Failures be used against me from my previous unit?

Can a Soldier's past APFT failures in a different company ( same battalion) be used against them with the new company. Also same question for weight and tape failures... Read the Answer»