Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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How do I handle an accidental weapons discharge?

Our unit just returned from the range and we had a leader accidentally discharge his weapon. No one was hurt, but boy did it tear up the commander's car. Any recommendation on how to handle this?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be counseled for refusing to snitch?

Here's the deal. A buddy went out, got drunk, and got in a fight with an NCO. The next morning I got called in and was told to write a sworn statement on what I saw. I knew they were trying to hammer my buddy so I refused to write a statement. Then they pop me with a counseling statement--something about values and doing the right thing...what a bunch of crap. Can they really counsel me for taking the 5th?.. Read the Answer»

Putting a SPC in a leadership position

What should be put in a E-4's counseling prior to placing them in a leadership position?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Is a Relief for Cause report required?

I have a Soldier who was reduced from sergeant to specialist. Is a relief for cause report required?.. Read the Answer»

I Was Ordered To Sign A Counseling Statement- Is This Legal?

I was given a counseling statement today and was given an order to sign it when I said I rather not. Then I was told if I did not sign it, I would be punished to the full extent possible. I then was order to sign it or I would be violating a lawful order. Can They Order me to sign a Counseling Statement.. Read the Answer»

What is the time limit to execute an Article 15?

Is there an army regulation that covers suspense times to issue NJP (Article 15s etc.)? The date of the incident was 20 June 2011, I was flagged 28 July 2011, and it is now 23 August 2011. It was for an article 92 violation. Thanks TOP! .. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can a leader write “Soldier Refused to Sign” on a counseling statement the Soldier never knew existed?

Can an NCO can write "service member refused to sign" if Soldier never received the counseling nor ever knew about it until today. The Soldier never refused the counseling but is getting punished... Read the Answer»

Can They Counsel Me Because My Wife Called the Commander?

My wife called my CO about several issue she had with the unit. Now I am getting a counseling statement. They say I need to control my spouse. They also instructed me to tell her she cannot call the CO anymore. Is this Legal... Read the Answer»

Do Article 15’s and counseling statements transfer to a new unit if my current unit is shutting down?

I am being transfer to a new brigade because my brigade is shutting down. Do my Article 15's and counseling statements stay with my old unit? .. Read the Answer»

Can I get an Initial counseling (DA 4856) outlining my duties and a negative counseling (the same day) for not effectively performing my duties?

Can I get an Initial counseling (DA 4856) outlining my duties and a negative counseling (the same day) for not effectively performing my duties?.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command refuse to give me copies of counseling statements?

My chain of command will not let me make copies of counseling statements inside of my counseling packet because they have already given me one copy I would like to make additional copies because I am missing a few and would like to start fresh that way I know I have everything I need. Are they allowed to do this ?.. Read the Answer»

Can I received corrective training for writing a rebuttal to a counseling statement?

I wrote a rebuttal to a counseling and now have to write a paper on my rebuttal, can my leader do this?.. Read the Answer»