Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can I Give a Soldier a Counseling Statement and Order Them to Remove an Unprofessional Post on Facebook or other Social Media site?

Can I Give a Soldier a Counseling Statement and Order Them to Remove an Unprofessional Post on Facebook or other Social Media site?.. Read the Answer»

If I Initially Appealed my Article 15, Can I Withdraw my Appeal?

If I Initially Appealed my Article 15, Can I Withdraw my Appeal?.. Read the Answer»

Can my Punishment be Increased if I Appeal an Article 15?

Can my punishment be increased if I appeal an Article 15?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Can a Soldier Have Multiple Article 15 Actions Pending at the Same Time?

Can a Soldier Have Multiple Article 15 Actions Pending at the Same Time?.. Read the Answer»

Will My Promotion Packet for SFC Still go to the Board if I Failed to Validate my Packet?

If an NCO is eligible for the E7 board, updated and corrected errors on their ERB, but omitted clicking the "validate" button. Will the NCO's record still be considered for selection?.. Read the Answer»

No Pay Due- How do I help the Soldier

Top, one of my Soldiers has informed be of a situation with another Soldier in another unit. The Soldier improperly received money they were not entitled to. As such finance is now taking back all the money at once leaving this Soldier broke. The Soldier's asked his leader for an AER Loan and was told the loan would not help him. The Soldier then requested to see finance to work out a repayment plan. The Sergeant stated this would be pointless as well. When the Soldier asked what he was supposed to do to get by day to day the NCO said to borrow money from friends...which is my Soldier. The NCO also instructed the Soldier not to utilize the open door policy as there would be consequences for doing so. This does not sit right with me. I feel the need to intervene. My chain of command has advised me to simply tell the young soldier to go up his chain of command. This Soldier is stationed Overseas and does not even have access to family members that might help him if he were in the states. Top what do you recommend? I really need your help!.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

How Long Does the Commander Have to Counsel a Soldier for Failing the APFT Before Going to School?

How long does the commander have to council a Soldier for failing the APFT before going to schools.. Read the Answer»

Can I Require my Soldiers to Answer the Phone or Respond to Text Messages

Can i counsel my Soldiers to answer their phone? What I want is to setup a counseling that is just about communication and how important it is to make sure they at least respond to there leader when I have questions Please Help. What do I do?.. Read the Answer»

Promotion Points for Driver and Mechanic Badge

I have a Driver and Mechanic Badge with Wheeled Vehicles and Tracked Vehicles component bars. Do I get promotions points for both?.. Read the Answer»

Is Receiving a Counseling Statement and an Article 15 for the Same thing Double Jeopardy?

I got a negative counseling statement and flagged for lying on a document. Now I am facing a Field Grade Article 15. I just received my first reading. Isn't this double jeopardy It's the exact same reason and the exact same incident.. Read the Answer»

What Punishment Can I Expect for Lying to an NCO?

Does an SOP have to be posted or easily accessible for Soldiers to Read