Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can a Soldier with less than 1 year of service be flagged for failing the APFT and/or HT/WT?

Can a soldier with less then one year in the army be flagged for failing an APFT or HT/WT... Read the Answer»

Can Army Retirees Take Army Correspondence Courses?

I'm retired army and like to take army correspondent courses in technical trades for job skills improvement. Construction, plumbing and electrical. Can i get these courses for certification? .. Read the Answer»

Can I Be Flagged For Failing An APFT While Deployed?

Situation a soldier takes a for record PT test and passed, then while deployed takes another for record PT test and fails (he was sick). There were only 40 days between both tests. Can this Soldier be flagged? .. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Can A Commander Require A Retired Soldier Recalled To Active Duty To Participate In PT?

Can the commander dictate or mandate Retired Soldiers to do group PT? .. Read the Answer»

I Just Returned From Deployment- How Long Do I Have to Prepare For The APFT?

My unit returned from deployment in December. We were administered an APFT test in February. I was flagged in June. Is there something I can do to have this flag removed... Read the Answer»

What can I do to a Soldier that secretly recorded our counseling session?

Top, I had a Soldier secretly record a counseling session in which I was not the most professional leader. What can I do to him? Can he use this against me? What can I do about it?.. Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

What should I do when I receive a Soldier’s counseling packet that is missing counseling statements?

I recently received a Soldier in my squad. His counseling packet was missing several monthly counseling statements. What should I do about this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I make my Soldiers part of the counseling process?

Can my initial counseling statement come in the form of a memorandum for record format?

I was recently appointed as a squad leader and my initial counseling was given to me in the form of a memorandum for record. The counseling was neither positive or negative, just a plain statement of duties and expectations. I can't seem to find a regulation or a precedence, is there a reason why a PSG would do that and is this a common practice? .. Read the Answer»

Who can view a counseling statement once it is completed?

Once a soldier is counseled who can view or receive the counseling form? Can the counseling statement be released to the chain of command for example the Brigade S-1?.. Read the Answer»

I received 2 counseling statements for the color of my nail polish- What can my they really do to me?

I got my second counseling statement today because of the color of my nail polish. What happens when you get two?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be required to sign a counseling statement while on medication?

Top, I was on some medication and was given a counseling statement for something. I did not feel comfortable signing the counseling statement. Can they make me sign a counseling statement when I am on medication?.. Read the Answer»