Category Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our Army leadership Articles. Articles are typically longer and more in-depth than Q&A posts.

What are the timeframes for each of the signatures on an NCOER? Also how early can an NCOER be submitted to HQDA?

This response is provide based on the information you provided. You should not use this content as the sole source in making your decision. Seek guidance from your chain of command, JAG, IG., or other appropriate agency.  Do your own …Read More

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Can a Commander conduct a weigh in while deployed?

Our NCOs are constantly threatening to have the MPs impound our cars if we don’t show them proof of insurance. Can they do that?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Should I decline to go to the promotion board?

I would encourage you to go to the promotion board. I had numerous Soldiers tell me they were getting out and did not want to go to the board and then ended up staying in and they burnt the bridge …Read More

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New Barracks NCO – What Do I need to Know

It your resources together…see attached and also check in with your 1SG make sure you have their support and understand what their expectations are. Consider having a barracks meeting with all personnel to go over standards, policy, and procedures. Keep …Read More

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How can I get my orders deleted? My child has a life threatening condition.

I need my orders to be Deleted due to a dependent child life threatening medical condition, and due to Covid 19 he is at high risk as well, he recent has a mental crisis and depression requiring Stabilization and continuation …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

How to Complain and be Heard

Extracted from the “Military Spouse” written by Patrician Gerecht and CSM(R) Mark Gerecht. Usually spouses or service members who are having problems just want to be heard (perhaps just to vent) and be provided a reasonable degree of comfort that …Read More

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Planning a Major Inspection – Don’t Work Late

How to develop teamwork, build and grow your team in ways you never thought possible. One event can change how your unit operates going forward

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Discouraged – NCO won’t Train me!

Discouraged:  First whatever you DO NOT GET DISCOURAGE!  Keep in mind this is only a temporary situation.  The good and bad about the military is things change.  You could be reassigned within your unit.  Your NCO or yourself may come …Read More

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How to Submit a Complaint Against your Commander

Purpose The purpose of this Article is to walk you through the Article 138 process.  This will help you understand if the Article 138 process is appropriate for your situation and explain how to construction your complaint. Reference: Army Regulation:  …Read More

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Personality Conflicts – Pick the Battles Worth Fighting

The following is an extract from the book Move Out The Insider’s Guide for Military Leaders Just as military units avoid committing their forces to diversionary attacks and feints, leaders must be alert to being drawn into minor skirmishes that …Read More

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How to Stop a Complainer

This is a great leadership question. The answer? Put the Soldier in charge. Make them responsible for the solution. One of two things could happen: They might actually do a good job, solving the problem. In this scenario, everyone wins. …Read More

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