Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Can I reduce a new Soldier for inefficiency?

A Soldier recently joined the unit a couple of months ago. In that brief time, she has managed to mess up or break just about everything she has touched. We've implemented corrective training again and again. Unfortunately it appears that she is flatly unable to perform her job. How do I go about reducing this Soldier for inefficiency?.. Read the Answer»

Leadership Quote of the Day

What you do off the job is a determining factor in how far you will go on the job.

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Leadership Quote of the Day

  The true measure of our character is not defined by how we act when times are Good but how we behave when times are tough and challenging.  

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Leadership Quote of the Day

I am sure most of us are familiar with this quote: If you are not part of the solution; mostly likely you are part of the problem

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Leadership Quote of the Day

The standard for character and integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking

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Is a “no field duty” profile valid?

I have a Soldier who went on sick call and came back with a no field duty profile. We are getting ready to go to the field for two weeks. I need this Soldier. Is there anything I can do?.. Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Leadership Quote of the Day

When in charge, take charge.  When not in charge let those in charge be in charge!

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How do I handle an accidental weapons discharge?

Our unit just returned from the range and we had a leader accidentally discharge his weapon. No one was hurt, but boy did it tear up the commander's car. Any recommendation on how to handle this?.. Read the Answer»

Using corrective training to motivate substandard performers

Corrective training is a fantastic, yet underutilized, tool for growing your subordinates. Simply put, it is a method to correct a performance deficiency.

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Can I be counseled for refusing to snitch?

Here's the deal. A buddy went out, got drunk, and got in a fight with an NCO. The next morning I got called in and was told to write a sworn statement on what I saw. I knew they were trying to hammer my buddy so I refused to write a statement. Then they pop me with a counseling statement--something about values and doing the right thing...what a bunch of crap. Can they really counsel me for taking the 5th?.. Read the Answer»

Leadership Quote of the Day

Build Bridges not Walls

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Honest Mistake or Unforgivable Sin?

Leaders are responsible for both the good and the bad within our area of responsibility or scope of influence. We are also responsible for helping to shape, mentor, and grow the future leaders of this great nation. As part of …Read More

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