Tag UCMJ | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about UCMJ

Interviewing Soldiers Legal SOP

This is an interviewing soldiers SOP.  The Soldier’s Right to Remain Silent and Right to Counsel. Whenever a Soldier is suspected of a crime, or it is discovered that a crime may have been committed (such as during a counseling …Read More

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Can a Soldier volunteer for separation due to not having a valid Family Care Plan?

Can I receive a voluntary chapter for failure to obtain a family care plan?.. Read the Answer»

Can I move in with a Soldier who is going through a divorce?

If I live in the barrack can I move in with a Soldier who lives on post and is pending a divorce?.. Read the Answer»

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Can a Soldier be separated if they relapse after completing ASAP?

Can they throw me out of the Army if I complete ASAP training and then relaspe?.. Read the Answer»

Can I receive UCMJ for not completing corrective training?

Can my squad leader recommend UCMJ if I did not complete corrective training to standard?.. Read the Answer»

Can I withdraw an Article 15 appeal?

Can I withdraw my appeal under the Article 15 process?.. Read the Answer»

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Can they stop my leave because I am pending UCMJ?

I am being recommended for a company grade Article 15 because I missed an appointment. I missed that appointment because i was escorting a Soldier. I feel this is a severe punishment. The last time I was counseled was May 2010. I have not been counseled monthly or annually. They also informed me that my packet was lost and I needed to resign the counseling form. They cannot backdate a counseling, am I correct? It of course is block leave for Christmas and I was told today that my leave had been pulled because I am flagged pending UCMJ action. Are they allowed to do that?.. Read the Answer»

How can I convince my chain of command to drop an Article 15?

With the drawdown going strong, the military is looking for discriminators to ensure only Soldiers with good records can reenlist. We now have Brigade Commanders reviewing Soldier performance history to see if they should be allowed to REUP! Team, this …Read More

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How can I put an end to ongoing spousal abuse?

We have a Soldier who likes to threaten his spouse. He has told her that she cannot come to the unit to talk with the chain of command about the problem. This Soldier tells the spouse that he is going to leave her and that she is trying to destroy his career. This is an ongoing problem. Both parties have been known to engage in domestic violence against one another. The non service member is afraid to move forth with charges for fear of reprisal. I know DV is a big problem. We have gotten that under control. Is there anything that can be done about the threats? What is the actual "crime committed," so to speak and what are some consequences for this service members actions?.. Read the Answer»

Is being restricted to post considered punishment?

I was recently prevented from going off post by my Chain of Command, isn't this a form of punishment?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be chaptered for two minor counseling statements?

In the past year, I have received two counseling statements for minor offenses. Other than these two incidents, I have been a great Soldier and have the monthly counselings from my first line NCO to show this. My Battery Commander is telling me that he wants to chapter me out of the Army if I receive another counseling for anything during the rest of my time here (2 months). Can he legally start the Chapter work without an Article 15 or a major offense?.. Read the Answer»

Political CANs and CANNOTs for Soldiers during a presidential election year

Now that we are through the holiday season and charging forward towards Spring we face 2012, a presidential election year. That potentially spells problems for military personnel (active, Guard, Reserve, or retired) who want to be involved in the political …Read More

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