Tag UCMJ | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about UCMJ

Can a Soldier be charged with Larceny under UCMJ if they were cleared by the Military Polices?

Two of my Soldiers are pending UCMJ for being accomplices to larceny. The Soldier who committed the larceny admitted to doing so. The two "accomplices" deny participating in larceny and simply left with the individual being charged. They were cleared of any wrongdoing by the military police, however the commander is insisting on the article. Does this sound like a valid case? The item in question for the Larceny was a Beer Mug.. Read the Answer»

DA Form 2627 Record of Proceedings Under Article 15, UCMJ

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I am in OSUT and got caught with tobacco; was recommended for an Article-What can I expect? 15 – What can I expect?

I was caught with contraband (tobacco) in OSUT. I was told I was going to receive a field grade article 15, but I never received A counseling statement saying I was. Also, a Drill Sergeant told me I was getting an ELS, but I haven't got a counseling statement for that either. I have 14 days before I reach my 180 days in service. What can I expect?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

I have a Soldier that was recently charged with drug trafficking – What do I do?

I had a Soldier arrested for Drug Trafficking under 30 kilograms. He is out on bond right now. How do I deal with this situation?.. Read the Answer»

3 Elements of Adultery under Article 134

Adultery is a crime punishable under Article 134, UCMJ.  There are three elements that must be met to prove adultery existed.

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Can information from Social Media be used for UCMJ actions?

I have a Soldier who called in sick this morning due to food poisioning. He ate sushi the other night and got sick. The other night was also his birthday. Which means everyone assumes he was drinking. Now this morning his wife posted a comment about him being hung over. I cannot find the comment anywhere on his or his wife's pages. Our PSG wants to put him in for an article 15 and demote him. The PSG thinks he is lying and is going to investigate. I believe my Soldier and want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now since it was not him that posted this alleged comment, can they use that against him?.. Read the Answer»

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Can a Soldier be sent on training rotation if they are pending UCMJ or chapter actions?

Can a Soldier be sent on a training rotation like NTC if they came up hot and will be chaptered?.. Read the Answer»

Article 15 Fact Sheet (Title 10 and Title 32) Memorandum

This is an Article 15 Fact Sheet (Title 10 and Title 32) Memorandum. If you have been informed that your commander has started non-judicial punishment (“Article 15”) procedures against you, or believe that may happen, then this sheet is designed …Read More

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Reprimand and Admonition Handbook Military Justice Section

Administrative reprimands and admonitions are management tools available to commanders, supervisors and other superiors to reprove and correct subordinates for their departure (on- or off-duty) from norms of performance, conduct, bearing, behavior or integrity. They should be used when it …Read More

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Commanders’ Guide for Handling Substandard Soldiers

This guide is designed to provide a convenient reference for commanders to use in identifying and managing substandard Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers. It includes step-by-step procedures for a number of actions, including Bars to Reenlistment and enlisted involuntary separations. …Read More

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Reprimand and Admonitions Guide

This guide is meant to help in understanding administrative reprimands and admonitions. Administrative reprimands and admonitions are management tools available to commanders, supervisors, and other superiors to reprove and correct subordinates for their departure (on or off duty) from norms of …Read More

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Can a Soldier have multiple UCMJ actions pending at the same time?

Can I receive two Article 15's at the same time?.. Read the Answer»